I've been gone a while. Trying to claw my way back.

Hello fellow BLFers.

I've been gone for some time now, and I'm ready to make a comeback.

I really missed everyone here.

I originally stepped back for a short breather, but then I got sick. I'm well now, and with my new health, spent some time reorganizing my life and living space. I think I'm ready to dive back in. I even have a dedicated hobby room now...with a real workbench. No more dining room table mods. Everything got packed up, so I'm still organizing and seeing what I've got.

I'm a bit behind, and don't know what the hottest rage is, so I need to catch up. Not sure whether to start small while I try to remember things, or do what I always did, jump in way over my head and struggle.

I've got a lot of catching up to do.

Welcome back, thanks to the internet, your knowledge has been persisting.

Attiny 25/45/85 programming with much more onboard space.

FET +7135 drivers for regulated lows and almost DD top end…

Much more to read on.

Enjoyed your postings here, looking forward to more!

Good to hear your back :slight_smile:

Welcome back old timer!

Glad you are well...welcome back !

Welcome back Ouch!!! Just jump in! TL

WB man! :slight_smile:

Orsm to have you back OF. You have missed out on quite a few really cheap kitchens going for unbelievable prices. Unfortunately I have unable to get onto one myself as they keep disappearing. I reckon there is a virus gone rampant here that goes by the name sb causing this problem but unable to prove anything as yet.

Glad you’re back!

Glad to see you around again. Lots of new stuff to play with.

Welcome back Ouchy! :bigsmile:

Welcome back!

Nice to have you back here with us again

Welcome back, Ouchyfoot! :party:

The deep end is where it's at :beer:

Welcome back!

Welcome back! Looking forward to what comes out of your new workbench :-)

Sorry Steve, I'm part of the Special Task Force Hunting Down Kitchen Spammers (STFHDKS), but I will remember next time to PM them about your kitchen interest before crushing them with the SPAM-button.

Thanks guys. I’m already feeling at home.
This weekend I’ll dig up my soldering and reflow stations. Once they’re in place I’ll probably hear them calling to me.
I think I’ve got a bunch of XML2 and XPG2. Are they still in vogue, or are they passé now?
XPL were just arriving. I think I have some that I never used. Not sure what they’re best for. I guess I’ve got to do some back research.

New emitters of interest:

-XP-L Hi, which is a XP-L factory-sold without dome almost behaving like a dedomed XP-L but with predictable tint.

-Nichia 219C, performance close to XP-G2 now, but with better tint (but no 92CRI yet), very good efficiency and ultra-low Vf

-a couple of quad-die emitters with high output: XHP35, XHP50, XHP70. For great walls of light, but difficult to make into a nice beam because of donut-hole problems.

-(personal favorite) XP-E2 'Torch' , a bit cooler than normal XP-E2, a bit brighter, and running a bit more amps, all not revolutionary but (if I'm not mistaken) it is the led with highest lm/mm2 on the market.

You buried these items? Wow, hope there not to rusty.

Sorry, it sounded funny to me.