Hello folks, I’ve got a coupon/voucher for 1 free 4 pack of any AA energizer batteries and I’ve been debating what to get. I have 32 Duraloops (I had about 4 packs already then when I saw them on clearance at my local target a few weeks ago I bought them out so I’m pretty set on rechargeable LSD AA’s. I am thinking about either finding a set of 2450 NiMH’s for the extra capacity (I understand they’re not the greatest at LSD but I already have the Duraloops for all my go-bags/Long term storage needs so these would just be for short term extra run-time. The other choice is just to get a pack of L91’s and put them back for emergencies.
What would you do? I’ve never had the 2450’s and I’ve heard so many mixed opinions on them, I’ve had a set of 2300’s and used them over a 3 year period and was happy with their performance long term but its such a marginal gain over eneloops/Duraloops I’d rather just stay standardized unless I’m really going to get a larger increase in capacity than ~250mAh (difference from duraloop to E2300).
So if you had the voucher and had all the Duraloops you could possible need what would you go out and get?