I've got a voucher for a 4pack of energizer AA's, what's the best batteries to spend it on?

Hello folks, I’ve got a coupon/voucher for 1 free 4 pack of any AA energizer batteries and I’ve been debating what to get. I have 32 Duraloops (I had about 4 packs already then when I saw them on clearance at my local target a few weeks ago I bought them out so I’m pretty set on rechargeable LSD AA’s. I am thinking about either finding a set of 2450 NiMH’s for the extra capacity (I understand they’re not the greatest at LSD but I already have the Duraloops for all my go-bags/Long term storage needs so these would just be for short term extra run-time. The other choice is just to get a pack of L91’s and put them back for emergencies.

What would you do? I’ve never had the 2450’s and I’ve heard so many mixed opinions on them, I’ve had a set of 2300’s and used them over a 3 year period and was happy with their performance long term but its such a marginal gain over eneloops/Duraloops I’d rather just stay standardized unless I’m really going to get a larger increase in capacity than ~250mAh (difference from duraloop to E2300).
So if you had the voucher and had all the Duraloops you could possible need what would you go out and get?

2450 NiMH’s

What exactly is an L91? Is it made by Energizer? Is it an Ultimate Lithium? Does it say L91 on the label? I hear about them a lot but have never seen one.


You got it.

I know L91's are good, actually, they're great. Other than my first nimh Rayovac's I bought in the 90's, I've regretted every nimh purchase that weren't Eneloops.


Does Energizer even still make a 2450 NiMH? As far as I know, all they have are the 2300s. I haven’t seen the 2450s in a LONG time. Duracell makes 2450s (and now LSD 2400s). But an Energizer voucher does you no good here.

Just grabbed the photo link from an old CPFM post.
