Jerommel's hand job CLIMAX (and anti-climax)

Curses, curses, curses….

Just messed up the second attempt of making a nice 2 part body…

Boohoo… This isn’t motivating at all…
I’m reconsidering everything now…

Got the ‘new version’ Nichia’s in yesterday, 5 pieces.
But right now I really don’t know if or how to continue…

“Drie maal is scheepsrecht” is a saying in my country.
I guess I should try that then…
But not today! B^[

Hi, great to see this entry for the contest!

Just a quick request to all posters in this thread: Please go back and edit out any adults innuendos/references, the idea is to keep everything on this site family friendly. Thanks in advance!

Good luck Jer, I’ve screwed up many a project myself. It’s what makes it so rewarding when it finally works right.

Okay, Iĺl stick with the 2nd body for now.
It wasn’t as bad as I thought.
But it turns out more difficult than expected to do this set-up by hand.

Got the LEDs yet?

Yes I got 5 nichia’s from KD, but they’re rather cool white, probably the C1 bin, unfortunately…
So not sure about the emitter yet…
Not sure about anything to be honest, because by hand it much more difficult than I hoped it would be…
Even considering a whole new plan, completely different idea…
so, to be continued still…


I ordered 5 nichia’s from Intl-outdoor :slight_smile:
No, not cheap…

Change of plan too, added pictures in 3rd post.

I like the detailed work you are doing, and its nice to see you are not giving up that easy, as Rufusbduck say: “It’s what makes it so rewarding when it finally works right.” I could not agree more on this.

I like the new direction(pun intended).

Yes, i’m trying a different angle. :stuck_out_tongue:
Added some pics too in the 4th post.

Awesome build, good job.

Hope i’ll finish in time though… :wink:

This is looking really nice. I hope you finish too.

looking good :slight_smile: i like the idea of a custom made EDC light.

Some more pictures and comments added in 3rd post

If you have a 10440 then all you need for a “driver” is one 7135 chip with the ground tab soldered to the backside of a 10mm sink pad. That’s what I did for my first solitaire mods.

I have limited myself (and my spending…) to AAA, AA, 14500 and 18650 flashlights.
I think 14500 is already a bit too exotic, to be honest.
I will try some eneloop NiMH eventually, as they seem to be really good batteries and NiMh isn’t exotic at all anymore.
For the rest i’m open to built in LiPo (flat) cells and also C and D size alkalines.

Yes, a 10440 setup would make things much easier, obviously…
Just one AMC7135 :slight_smile:
But it’s less than 2 weeks left to deadline, and i have zero 10440 here…
And t.b.h. i just want it to be able to work on widely available supermarket-batteries.


Let me give that link here, for the aluminium solder i used:
Aluminum Solder Soldering Ø 1.2 Easy To Work - 20g - $9.99
with agressive, nasty smoking flux core! :smiley:
It works though!
More people should try it and share experiences, because it’s a very flashlight-moddy product i.m.o.
I wonder if you could make paste of it, which would be even better.

If it’s an acid core flux then it needs to be cleaned and neutralized before adding batteries or electronics.

Its looking real good to the point externally it looks finished. A bit of trick photography and it would be putting out a bazillion lumens and Seven Fiat luxes. The cut out etc works like a treat. Good luck with the driver.

Dude, that is a cool looking light your building there. I haven't studied how you did it, but it looks complicated and ingenuous. Nice craftsmanship too.