Depending if it is possible to emitter swap, I might be interested.
Can you post photos of the pill on both sides? One on the driver and one of the LED.
Thanks for the pics. It’s unfortunate they filled the MCPCB shelf with (looks like) epoxy, it would’ve been a nice candidate for refurbishing with a new emitter.
not epoxy a plastic piece to center the emitter.
The plastic is pressed in a dental pic and a small drill bit will remove it easily.
I have a similar light and the OP is right in that the white is a plastic disc sitting around the emitter. The driver side does look like it has some black material that bled on to the board. Maybe that is what you’re referring to?
Oh, that’s not too bad.
Could you also measure the driver and mcpcb diameter please? Trying to figure out if it’d be worthwhile to upgrade. Definitely interested though.
The pcb is about 15.4 mm driver is 16.5mm