Anyone interested in JETBeam JET-UV?
If yes just drop me a PM.
Price is excellent, blue and red are available.
That’s all, easy and simple
Plenty in stock…
Anyone interested in JETBeam JET-UV?
If yes just drop me a PM.
Price is excellent, blue and red are available.
That’s all, easy and simple
Plenty in stock…
PM incoming.
Any info on the output (365nm, 380nm?) Or in if it has modes?
True 365nm?
How is the led compare to Nichia 365nm?
I’m interested depending on price
Likewise pre-order mine waiting to arrive and test against convoy nichia with $5aud note, if it even half decent i’ll get another one
PM sent
Never had a uv light before. Interested in a blue one please.
This is pretty new product, I don’t know that anyone got one yet.
I think it’s a bit unrealistic to compare it to Convoy UV, second one is much stronger (18650) + there is a UV glass filter for it
while Jet-UV is powered by single AAA 1.5V battery, I don’t expect that it can match to Convoy but for checking bills or even curing UV glue it will be OK + its small and lightweight so you can carry it as EDC.
Good timing!
This is what i wanted to ask
So, now I’m interested also.
I have put my favorite 3535-size 365nm led (LiteOn) in a BLF-348 AAA light, stock driver and 10mm ZWB2 filter, and on a plain AAA-alkaline it emits a scary amount of UV, i.e. way overkill for checking banknotes. Mind that these leds run best at a modest 700mA, most AAA boost drivers run the led at about 300mA, what is already half that output.
I wonder what led is used here though…
Not quite, Cree makes no UV-emitters.
As we say in russia “stupid guys have same ideas”.
I have used led from convoy s2+ uv in my blf-348. Im was too lazy to mill board from UV led to 10mm size do I just used sharp knife to remove central pad from stock XP-size blf-348 board.
Was not impressed with the result togetger with aaa, but 10440 makes great difference!
Hmm I didn’t know that. It’s kind of odd that they don’t, isn’t it?
This is a Prolight Opto led, made in Taiwan. Prolight makes pretty nice emitters btw.
Try this led: LTPL-C034UVH365 LITEON - LED | UV-A; 3535; 130°; 500mA; λd: 365nm; 3.8V; SMD; 3.5x3.5x2.15mm | TME - Electronic components , TME is from Poland,I’m sure they ship to Russia. The 365nm output is better than the Nichia 276A, but it emits some yellow-ish light too so I used a ZWB2 filter.
Will stop spamming this thread now
Was there a UV XR-E? Wasn’t that a multi die LED.
from Gearbest’s listing
Does that give enough info to state whether it’s a good emitter?
That info is also listed at Jetbeam-s website!
Where do you get a Uv filter in different sizes?
Where do you get a Uv filter in different sizes?
Seem to be a bit thin on the ground, I’m looking for one too,
Found a 10mm one but stupidity expensive
Plus not sure if 10mm is to small, maybe needs a 11mm or 12mm ?
I’m thinking of getting another or two from Simon for the convoy S2+ UV and cutting it down with a diamond blade in the dremel