Jetbeam MAO Coating

Anybody have experience with the white MAO coating done by JetBeam? I love the look of their M37 in white, but my experience with MAO coating so far has been all over the map. Most of the time they seem to be very soft and scratch easily, but I have had some lights where it holds up just fine. Just wondering if anybody knows how theirs turns out.

That looks awesome.

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One of the reviewers showed just putting the clip on scratched the coating. Can’t remember which one but it was a well known reviewers…

Since the clip is a ring that slips over the thread, I’m struggling to see how that was possible? Either way, any coating gets damaged when putting a (clip on) clip on or off, no matter how careful you are, I wish factories would not preinstall them.

The clip will mar the white finish. What you can see below is with just minimal usage of installing and removing the clip.

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Ah I see what you mean now, I thought you meant it got damaged when putting it on. I suppose it’s inevitible it’s going to get marked there, I think any coating would mark there with an amount of use. I suppose the answer is leave the clip on to cover it, or if getting one new either leave it off, or put it on but don’t remove it. At the end of the day anything white or off white is going to show marks MUCH more than it’s black counterpart, something you kinda have to expect.
The only way you’d stop it is to bend the clip out a bit after installing it, just cover the surface under the clip with tape before that to prevent any marks, then remove it after it’s done.

The MAO coating is inherently “soft” compared to something like HA III anodizing. It’s really meant to get scuffed up and give that “well used” kind of look.

Btw, what’s up with the screws on the back side of the M37 head? I’ve never seen that before. Very handsome design, overall. It’s a shame this didn’t come in 21700.

One thing to be done with the clip, is to remove it and then apply a hard clearcoat on the underside. This will decrease friction against the anodized body and hopefully minimize scratching.

Another thing that works is to remove the clip and apply a strip of Talon Grip Tape to the bottom section of the clip.

I’ve done with this with several lights to increase friction so the clip holds better. It works great and has the side effect of protecting the flashlight body from scratches.

It’s also completely removable if you don’t like it or if it wears out.

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Yeah that’s a good point. Maybe all the scuffs and scratches actually enhance the design, add to the rugged and industrial look that I like about it so much.

Yeah 21700 would be nice, but I do love the look as is. I feel like the ratio of body-head is just right, its very “flashlighty.” I hope its popular enough for them to keep making more like it.

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Or put on some heat shrink tubing, like this:

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