JetBeam PA40 for $39.99

Wow…that’s a crazy good deal. I got it from that very seller for $54!!! Jump at it, if your thinking it. It’s a great light for $50!

I have the Ld-40 and love the fact it throws like hell ,has great modes and has a beautiful beam and a sweet neutral tint ..Was thinking of buying another one but I missed another deal on it for 37$ ..At 40$ this one ..[like the ones at illumination supply ]a re pretty tempting ...but I think I need neutral emitters in lights I can't modify .

This is clearly the lowest price I've ever seen these lights

PA40 carbon fiber body vs. …?

Now I bought my second pa40, I guess I’m not buying a Fenix LD41 now LOL

He is selling a bunch of these. I think at least forty since I got mine the other day. Hope its a good one.

You’ll love it. I got it from them and it’s great. He must of bought a boat load of them!?

Bet they will have fun coming into work on Monday and having to ship all those out!!

Anyone received their now or anyone who bought from the same listing can comment on tint, what tints does it have? Neutral NW/W or cool white CW?

If there is no mentioning of tint color, I would always assume CW.

The seller couldnt tell me that neither, only thing he knew is that its SMO.
Im still researching other 3/4AA lights like a mad man at the moment, tho I understand that these might be sold out soon or their price might go up again, but if this had neutral tint Id be all over it RIGHT NOW.

I dont have any high CRI/neutral lights, I just love the idea of natural tint and been eyeing some ZebraLights but they are far too expensive for what they are…

Sure, some cheap Chinese light mod with CRI star would be possiblity, but… Yeah, Im just talking much!

I have a warm version but would like a neutral (or even cool) one. I may just pull the trigger on my 2nd one.


I thought that this had only 2 version - cool white and neutral white?
Or am I mixing up NW for warm white?

Wow, that is just a KILLER deal.

I’m in California and thus would have to pay the 8.75% sales tax, but even then I’d only be looking at $43.50 shipped.

Decisions, decisions…

Edit: just made a snap decision and decided to buy one. It’s just way too good of a deal and I’ve heard good things about the CF reinforced body. :slight_smile:

I got one from them about3weeks ago. It says XML,T6. One can assume it’s the same batch or lot. I don’t know which emitters are which. I need to get educated.

Truthfully, I don’t really care about CW or NW anymore. I just use those LEE filters to change the tint to whatever I like. :wink:

Now thats interesting, care to elaborate more :D?

I hate driving traffic to CPF, but this is a great resource about changing LED tints, so exceptions can be made. 0:)

O.k…I looked in some other posts and mine is fairly white, Maybe a D1 tint. I hope this helps. I could give you the serial number off of mine…does anyone know if there is a way to look it up that way?

If they were neutral you'd know about it .. This is exactly what's been holding me back from buying it .. I have the Ld40 and love the tint .. xpg r4 4B ..what's not to love ?? i have about 7 lights with this same tint and this is one of the best's a slammin good deal for everyone else ...i just can't pull the trigger on a C.W.

I'm a tint snob

has anyone ever had one of these heads open ??

Dude, just get it. You’ll just regret not buying one when they’re sold out.