JetBeam PA40 for $39.99

Boaz, I’m layed up so this is the best I can do. Exposure value=0.blinds were closed, but some sunlight was still coming in and the ceiling isn’t bright white, just a little off-white.


Thanks,Scaru. I don’t know what I have to do to get Picasa to work.

Just right click it and select copy image URL. Then cut and paste that here to insert the image.

Actually, I find the tint colour of the PA40 very good. Not as dazzling as the Blaze but not as neutral as my XENO S3A NW.

Still very nice however, nice beam and better tint than most of my XMLs. It feels great in the hand too, I like how the carbon fibre composite doesn’t feel cold to the touch like alloy.

I am seriously thinking of buying another one or two.

Is your PA40 neutral white or the cool white version? If cool white, does it seem close to neutral?


Just got home and completed payment for mine. I’ve had some eBay Bucks sitting in my account for a while now, so it was only like $36 out of pocket. What a steal!

@Gary, mine is the standard cool white version. I think its a bit warmer because the XML is under driven, I have noticed that on at least one other light I have too.

It’s not fully was warm as a neutral white (my XENO at least), somewhere in between, but still very nice. I can see this light becoming a favourite. It already feels much better in the hand than any of my other torches.

Perhaps the Blaze is not a good one to compare it with. The Blaze is a very white white, much more so than my other XMLs

Thanks pretzy, but I think I'll still hold out for a neutral white.


They’re (Altatac) also selling the RRT15 for $80, which I believe is a pretty good price if anyone is interested.

That small clip on the RRT15 looked kinda ridicoulus imho…

great price
I have had my PA40 since december and it’s a great light
Mine has some green tints, nasty on a white wall but unnoticeable in real world use
I understand that is not uncommon with XML?