It's not fancy, but I did like the idea of the strobe on the LED side panel. That would be great for sitting next to a disabled car, if you had to change a tire, as a warning to oncomming traffis. It's a brighter strobe than I thought and I will keep it in the car.
It's a regular aspheric zoomie, with the side panel leds. It only takes 2AAA batteries and I think the driver is a boost driver. Naturally I tore it down as soon as I got to work. I will put a Nichia in as the main zoomie led and keep the rest as is.
I can read the headlines now! “BLF member on video modding flashlight while driving to work! It seems texting is a thing of the past for some Tyler residents. We now dismantle, solder and file on flashlights while at stop lights!”