Just placed my first order,...well make that 2 orders!!!!!

New guy here bit by the flashlight bug,….just placed my first couple of orders. I am sure these are the first of many. I did a lot of reading and had a hard time deciding on what to order,…

.I placed 1 order with Mountain Electronics-

Panasonic NCR18650PF 2900mAh Button Top Unprotected NCR18650PF-BT 2_

Samsung INR18650-20R 2000mAh INR18650-20R 2

Nitecore Intellicharger I4 V2 NTCR-I4V2 1

“Super” XinTD C8 V4 18650 Flashlight
- Driver Mode Selection: 3 Modes
_ - Super XinTD Power Level: 5.0A _
_ -_ Super XinTD Tint Selection: 1A 1
and one with Banggood-

_Convoy C8 AK47 7135*8 8 Modes white light LED Flashlight 1
— Design: XML2 U2-1A POA154177


I have heard so much about the XinTD C8 I just had to have on and while I was at it why not make it a “Super”. I plan on doing some modding in the future and this should give me an idea how a modified light performs.

The Convoy C8 was a impulse buy, read some reviews and it seemed like a great $16.00 light so I bought it!

So,…what do you guys think of my choices?

I am already looking for my next purchase. I have a Trustfire Z6 and these lights on there way,….maybe a multi led thrower,…something with outrageous output?

Yeah , this is how it starts .

You have chosen wisely .

Now you will need a AAA format light , a keychain light , an EDC light and a headlamp .

And a whole lot more lights .

You will need at least one light in every battery format , every tint , and every beam profile .

And a few backup lights as well as plenty of batteries in case of prolonged blackouts .

Then you will do your first mod . Hooray ! Now you can customize every light you own .

Which you will .

From that point on , your lights will be chosen purely on their moddability .

And so on ....

BTU Shocker. :slight_smile:

Good throw and output stock, but also leaves room for advanced modding project in the future if you so choose.

Nice picks with the C8’s btw. Probably one of the best single 18650 budget lights available.

Great start!

You chose well. Have Fun!

Keep track of your spending! :wink:

One of us, one of us...

Hey, Blazer. Nice going. Your journey towards advanced retina-searing is well under way, I see. :beer:

I really would like to own a good HD2010,…I have read so much about this light ,……I did not order a HD2010 because I was not sure I would get a good one.

Can someone describe what the 2 flashlights I have on order will perform like,….maybe compare them to other lights? I probably have a long what on the lights so until then talking about them is going to have to do. :bigsmile:

Your C8’s will be throwers with a bit of flood in the beam ring touching the hotspot and an outside ring that provides a tiny bit of light. A very nice usable beam.

With an HD2010, basically take a C8 beam profile (2 concentric circles of light outside the central hotspot) and take that flood ring a C8 has and pull it into the central hotspot. It will have a concentrated hotspot surrounded by 1 ring that provides a bit of light.

If you can follow my odd explanation there… awesome, otherwise:

C8 will throw with a bit of flood.
HD2010 will throw further with less flood.

I like both lights, but HD2010 has my vote big time. Perfect proportions with the thicker 26650 handle, gentle step-ups in the cooling fins leading to the wide thrower head.