Vinh is the only one who makes it worthwhile to maintain an account there. Granted, he’s the exact opposite of budget, but he’s a good guy and he does really good work.
My .02c:
In my house I have my own rules too… You don’t follow my house rules and out you go.
Cpf, and Blf, and other forum, have rules too.
In my house I have my interests to nurture and protect, so does CPF and BLF.
In fact, I started on CPF, then here.
Rules are different in each house, but they will always be there, regardless how good, or not, they are to me.
Peaceful co-existence is not a bad idea, IMO.
I still lurk there, but thats about it. I miss the Bay area CPF get-togethers and night hikes though.
Whats up with this?
Ah, don’t worry about that sign, perhaps just an Attack by the Clones
… badge of honor … I really like the idea !!!
CPF seems to be down at the moment. :+1:
I actually like CPF. Never had a problem. I like it here too.
A lot of off topics and non flashlight related chit chat here. You are all warned. I’m closing this thread.
I still hang out on cpf some. I don’t hate it there, but I only use it for cpf-type stuff. Both of these communities have a place, even though one of them is definitely a lot more friendly and laid back, and honestly just more fun to be here. But sometimes cpf fills a need too.
That said, this afternoon Chrome started labeling it as a known phishing site and blocking connections. And now its “closed” altogether. So I don’t know what’s going on over there but they seem to be having some issues.
Probably just some guy working for Google got banned there, and now it’s payback time or something.
Actually he’s on here too:
Not too active, but I’m sure he’ll answer PMs once he receives the notification email.
Kramer wrote
What, we can’t do BLF night hikes? There’s plenty of us around. Oh, and congratulation on the smack down.
Yeah sure!! I’m up for a night hike any time!!
I’ve been on CPF for a little while now and actually been quite active and stayed in line on there site pretty much everyday for the past couple months. As others have said, today the site is hacked or something, so I came over here and this was the first post I read. Cracked me up major.
Date ban will be lifted: YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!
Look at it this way ….
If CPF weren’t jerks to Mr.Admin. there never would have been a BLF
For the last few days, Google search result links to CPF have randomly been redirecting to a sketchy download page on a site called “MyFilestore”. Today Chrome and Firefox started identifying it as a suspicious site. There was a thread about it in on the forum where a bunch of idiots were being extremely productive by reporting it to Google as inaccurate. The admins then took down the site and posted a link to their Facebook page with no further information, and now the forum is down completely.
Yup, It’s what brought me back over here, which is by far the best part of CPF being down. Maybe someone over there pissed of the wrong fellow. LOL. I have to say, although I love CPF, that site is ALWAYS chugging and lagging. Oh well, I love BLF too, and I’m glad I ended up back over here. In a small way, I feel as if I’ve been knocked back into a state of reasonableness. I feel like I’m seeing a lot more avenues to good, useful information around BLF.
Mmm, that sheesh about the “MyFilestore” crap… I suffered two or three of those site redirections early yesterday while accessing the site (to attain my badge, of course ).
Suspicious stuff.
Cheers ^:)

My .02c:
In my house I have my own rules too… You don’t follow my house rules and out you go.
Cpf, and Blf, and other forum, have rules too.
In my house I have my interests to nurture and protect, so does CPF and BLF.
In fact, I started on CPF, then here.
Rules are different in each house, but they will always be there, regardless how good, or not, they are to me.
Peaceful co-existence is not a bad idea, IMO.
This is worth much more than $0.02c! Well said.
I’m fascinated by how regularly discussions about CPF pop up over here! Anyway, I’ve got no axe to grind. I really like it here and hope that CPF gets sorted out soon. If it’s down because of something malicious, then no one should be celebrating as it’s an attack on all of us.

Anyway, I’ve got no axe to grind. I really like it here and hope that CPF gets sorted out soon. If it’s down because of something malicious, then no one should be celebrating as it’s an attack on all of us.
Well said hangar, thanks. Let’s be good sports about this, and especially when the other team is down because of our common enemies, the filthy hackers.
i grew up in the world of flashaholism there.
site became heavily commercial and restrictive.
when i got a nastygram for providing a link to a group following one of my mods that was it.
dont post much there anymore and my sig directs to here.
as for their misfortune i suspect one of the many adservers that serve the site got compromised.this can happen to any site.and another reason i have a huge hosts file and adblock origin.blf is one of the few that i whitelist.