Just saw satellites with binoculars…

I use Sky Guide (Apple) and it gives me ping about five minutes before the ISS will be traversing my location. Good app.

Earth originated satellites don’t make abrupt direction changes that are easily tracked from the ground by eye, at least not if they want to stay in orbit for very long. Objects of non-Earth origin however, may have their own interpretations of physics. You guys were either very lucky or very unlucky, did any of you have gaps of memory around the observation period?


Huh? Is this serious?

we like looking for sats.
here is the site we use:

it is from Germany, but just enter your
location or latitude/longitude to get a prediction
of exactly What and When and Where to look.

BlueWalker3 is popular right now.
the Starlink G4-37 is good enough
depending upon where you are.


Like turkeydance mentioned heavens-above.com is an excellent site. I have been using it since at least 1998. Just be sure to set your location. Once you have that set check out the latest starlink launches because if you can catch it right you can see 50+ following each other only a few seconds apart. Binoculars may be required for those. The starlink - dymanic 3D orbit display page is pretty impressive. It shows how "crowded" space already is and starlink wants to launch 15 times more than they already have.

Satellites with binoculares.
Big Brother is watching you.

Considering how many surveillance cameras exist, when I'm out in public I just assume someone is at least recording me, if not watching me.

regarding Big Brother (big bother) and surveillance….

using flour, i have spelled out “LOOK” on our roof
when i knew Google Earth was due for an update.
so far, my idea has failed. either the weather
or the update was inconsiderate of my plan.

there are multitudes of examples
of more successful endeavors
which were imaged by GE.

Indeed, Big Brother and their masters - the Greys from Reticulum.