They are too large for any of my chargers and doing the “penny trick” to get them to charge is too tight a fit. Plus, the Nitecore Intellicharger blinks and then refuses to charge them.
Any help or suggestions before I try to get my money back?
You can run a couple short wires from one of your other chargers and see if it will work. Or if you have a dmm or access to one you can check the voltage. Might be to low for the nitecore to attempt charging IDK if it have 0v recovery or not
I run wires from one of my chargers to charge a couple camera batteries. Just tape a little bit to the cell and to the charger and if it can charge in another charger it will. If not it may at least give you a voltage readout if you don’t have a dmm
Protected?? Hell’s Bells, I can barely stuff a nekkid 26650 in my almighty Miboxer, demigodlike Opus, or any other chargers. Just too fat, let alone long. Never tried a 26650 in my i4.
Just grab one of those doodads with the magnetic contacts and snap ’em on. I got a Folomov A1, but a few other brands made them, too. I think.
I’m with Lightbringer on that one. I also have trouble wedging a unprotected 26650 into a charger. To be honest I didn’t even know a protected 26650 existed. The stock photos of that cell looks like the button top, if that is what it’s suppose to be, is quite a bit recessed. Looks like the wrap and insulator build up the top of the cell that the button top never gets exposed. Unless my eyes are playing tricks on me. Honestly, myself, I would ditch the protection circuit and rewrap the thing.