Emisar D3AA is available now

What are your thoughts of it compared to the NI40?

My bet:

Quality is excellent, better than NI40
Finish is excellent, better than NI40
Output is excellent, better than NI40
Beam is excellent, better than NI40
UI is excellent, but complicated. Some people like easy UI’s

Please correct me if i’m wrong

K1 SBT90.2

Size comparison K1 and FT03

As I expected, the Total run time on turbo was similar to my Modded NI40[SBT90.2] which was using an Aspire 26650 4300mAh battery.Same incremental numbers that I used for K1.

Those results were: 10 Minutes=3.61V.

For those wondering about K1 run time on turbo with a Molicel P42A

Max output/Incremental 2 min ON/4 min. OFF. Voltage taken after rest.

10 minutes=3.55V

The challenge is holding this light when it starts to get hot. It has the shortest battery tube/handle of any mid ranged 18650/21700/26650 light that I have.

My hand is 4.25 inches wide. Handle/Battery tube is only 3 inches.When my hand is extended normally my index finger and thumb are on the switch which gets hot.The light is top heavy as one would expect. Just makes it a bit awkward and challenging. My girlfriend is a nurse. She may be tending to burnt fingers.

It will all work out. Just something I am not used to.

I do not have equipment. Others will provide those numbers.

I will however get some decent beam shots. :sunglasses: Probably over the weekend as bad storms are forecast again for Tonight and tomorrow.

Just noticed this post after I posted my photos and a few comments.

Finish is excellent. Better than NI40
Quality is excellent. Better than NI40 I do love the NI40 fins
Beam profile[on wall] is excellent indoors. Can not wait to use outdoors.
LED is perfectly centered

Have to remember this light is Now double the cost of NI40 so it should be better in many aspects.

More will be revealed by me and others.

Thanks, Hank! Do you know what the CRI is for the T6 8B tint?


Raining the first night that you get a nice torch is definitely in the top 5 disappointments [although temporary] for a flashaholic. Tomorrow may be the same.

This is a First and most likely a last for these feeble pictures.

These beam shots are borderline embarrassing compared to my trail shots which are clear nights and pitch black.I am posting a few anyway. The link below will provide a sample of what my beam shots will look like when I return to the trail.I will be comparing the NI40 with the K1.

K1 and NI40 size comparison

K1 off my balcony with rain beginning. Trees are 70 yards/64m away

That looks sweet! Thanks for the beamshots

Fired up mine, K1 90.2, got it in the creamy color. It's quite impressive. Didn't measure anything yet, just did some street and in the air views. As expected, it warms up pretty quick but nothing burning hot on the short bursts. I prefer RED for OFF, and BLUE for ON. The low RED though is super low so I'm using the high RED.

It’s probably 85 CRI, going by Cree’s datasheet (page 10). T6 flux bin is 85 cri minimum, except for 3000k where it also comes in 90 CRI but I’m pretty sure 8B is actually 2700-2850k even though it’s listed as 3000k on Hank’s site.

Was still raining tonight but took out K1 SBT90.2 anyway.Similar tint as NI40, a bit cooler. but noticeably more intense hot spot as expected[ 240KCD VS ~420Kcd]

I look forward to the next several nights where they predict nice weather conducive to good beam shots.

The beam shots below were taken last fall. I was comparing the MT35 XHP50.2 NW and NI40 SBT90.2.

I want to do the same shots for the NI40 SBT90.2 and K1 SBT90.2. That may have to wait a few days, because of storms on June 3rd which still have the road closed.In the meantime hopefully I can access the other trails for beam shots.


Small Tree is 70 yards away

Tall tree is 130 yards away.

Certainly does not hurt to have LVP but I never relied or depended on LVP. That is the reason for my run time tests as soon as I get a new light. Never had any cells lower than 3.50V when I got home[resting voltage]Mostly 3.6v or higher.

This is an observation not a complaint.

The LVP comes on[when using turbo] about 3.76V. I noticed if you lowered the output whether it be at 3.76v or several tenths of a volt lower, it goes back to Green.I just found it odd. AFAIK the few lights that I had would turn RED at a specific voltage whether I am on Turbo, High, Low ect.

I guess there are just different variations of LVP.

That sounds like normal voltage sag to me.

Quick question for Hank, for American customers, are the TR1s shipped from the US or China? I assume they were shipped this week, when approximately can I expect to receive in New York?

The KR1 is shipping from China at this time. I’d give it 4-6 weeks. I’m going on 8 weeks for one of my shipments from China (Not Hank).

Thanks . I find that the delivery time varies greatly and I order stuff from banggood, aliexpress, wish etc all the time. Some stuff takes 2 months and longer and some I received in about a week or 10 days. The stuff I order fro Nealsgadgets site is shipped from China but gets here in about a little over a week. A mystery never fully explained …

Just wonder that some people have already received their KR1 while mine is not even shipped yet. Was that extra paid DHL express?

Who received the KR1? Don’t you mean K1?

I doubt if anyone has received the KR1. Hank just announced it on May 23rd.

My K1 was ordered on April 9th and I just got it on June 4th.