Keyko AA anybody ever hear of them?
Amazon link®Premium-Pre-Charged-Technology/dp/B00GYGSPG0/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1420235033&sr=8-4&keywords=keyko+rechargeable+batteries
Thoughts, discussion. They were a dollar cheaper yesterday
I've never heard of them and wouldn't waste money on them. Eneloops are the only way to go when it comes to Ni-mh rechargeable batteries. I suggest you spend a few extra bucks and buy some genuine Japan made Eneloops from ChibiM.
I guess the way we find new good things is to try the new. These are about $2.50 each and Tenergy Premiums and Centuras run from $1.50 to $1.75 each so it is a gamble if they are good. Frankly I like the Tenergy better than the Eneloop at current prices, and they burn longer in my lights.
I wonder why I expected that?? :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
LOL I've been using eneloops since 2009 and not 1 has let me down yet. I still have and use the ones I bought back then and they still charge to 1700+ & 1800+ mah plus a few that go a little past 1900. I also bought about 16 Maha Powerex 2700's at the same time I bought my first eneloops and they turned out to be junk.
I don’t doubt that. Eneloops have a proven record. However, at 3-4 dollars each, and more are at $4 I do not find that the price is justified when compared with Tenergy. I also have some old, 2 gen, eneloops that have not let me down, but my recent experience shows that I get more run time with Tenergys than Eneloops.
I have no way of knowing if the Tenergys will last 5 or more years, but until they prove to be clearly inferior they provide a better buy and longer run times. If the Duracell ion core are Enelooop XX then they are not quite equal to the Tenergy. What more could I want? Even if the Eneloops are better they are not enough better to justify over twice the cost to me. “The proof of the pudding is in the eating.” My own use indicates that Tenergy is much the better buy.
Just looking for alternatives. Long time eneloop fan and owner. I have some
1St generation dated 06 05LA that are still doing well, but I`m concerned about the change in ownership.
I have some Tenergy and Amazon basics, But I`m always on the look out for something good/better.
I understand where you're coming from. I also have 8 D size Tenergy Premiums but they turned out to be crap since they only lasted a few months. I then bought a few D and 9v Tenergy Centuras and so far they are doing pretty good. As many eneloops as I have I should get me a few of the C & D-size Adapters.
06 05? Wow! Mine are mostly 09's with a few 08's.
Which Amazon basics do you have and how do you like them so far?