Im reluctant to name flashlights , but since we have SR Darth, King etc i think Storm-trooper is appropriate. The color is actually sniper grey ceramic coating applied with a spray gun. It just came out of the oven baking at 600 F for 30 min and looks like it came out the freezer. I'll post details later on if anyone wants them!! After baking the ceramic coating is hard as nails and pure matte white . I just washed my hands and my fingers leave residue which wipes away easily.
Looks nice! Is the finish similar to Cerakote?
Good job and nice looking light!!!
Darkside,that is freakin awesome nice job.Love the white on this it really works.
Awesome, that’s a real improvement over the gold
Poop-colored would be an improvement over the gold, IMHO....
that is baaad. let us know how its done. was it hard to do?
Did someone say Stormtrooper ?
Love the concept, just not the color. To me the gold looks better and the white shows all kinds of dirt. Even in the pic I can see finger prints on it. That would drive me crazy!
Yes, its cerakote. This version requires baking but they have a newer air dry version. Check Brownels i know they carry a kit for $40.00
The finger prints wipe off without water so i dont mind.
I’ll post DIY details this evening
Very nice! Does this stuff come in orange too?
I'm not sure about the air-dry version, but the heat-cured option comes in orange.
Cerakote is good stuff, and very abrasion-resistant.
Here are a few more lights with the same theme:
Amen to that. I just can’t reconcile the gold at all. Polished to within an inch of its life however……
That would be carrotkote...
!! JMac - I have a few Surefire lights with similar shade coating, obviously it will get dirty if your using it to work on your car or go camping. Although i wouldn't hesitate as a micro fiber cloth cleans it with 1 or 2 swipes. Once the coating i set ( baked ) dirt will not penetrate the surface or most paint strippers so you get an idea of how durable it is. Here's a a quick and dirty on how to -Brownells Or Nic Industries / CeraKote Gun Coatings - Strip and prep- Use your preferred method to strip your Skyray king of its Celebration Gold surface. A forum member reccomended "grease lighting" a while back and it fantastic stuff. First some of you may want to field strip your light. I didn't knowing well the Cerakote requires baking in excess of 600F. The only part i did remove was the side clicky ( unscrew the bezel around the button) since this part of the light may not be water proof and i don't want paint stripper making its way inside. I used a glue gun to fill the 4-5mm hole hole temporarily. Use a container or cup big enough to hold enough paint stripper to cover the host completely and i doubled up on the orings on the battery tube for safe measure. 45min to an hour you should see most of the aluminum. Make sure your host i absolutely clean of residue. ****This is key for getting a factory like finish which is what you should expect. Now prep the host buying submerging in a bath of warm water and dishwasher soap. If you see anything other than aluminum use 1000 grit steel wool or similar to insure you have a clean host. Let it air dry, from here on do not touch the host with your bare hands. At this point you need to attach a handle to your host so you can hang it and manipulate the the host for the remainder. I used basic copper wire attached to a large hook with swivel. The other end i simply connected to one of a few slots on the SYK battery tube. ***Just before spraying clean your host again with warm water and soap. I also use tack cloth to remove fine particles from the aluminam seconds before applying a first coat. Spray and Bake , Air Dry - I use a spray gun if you don't have one or not familiar they do make a disposable gun that works with compressed air- all in one kit. I think its $10-$15.00 its reusable and i hear works really well. You may want to look into this as an alternative solution to buying a spray gun and compressor, parts. Unlike firearms, flashlights hosts require some finesse to spray inside the deep fins and heatsink. Otherwise Johnnymac wil spot the micro gold particle you left inbetween fin 2 and 3 and expose it in macro if you post Kidding JM. Joke I don't poses this skill but it sounds cool to - i would practice first just spraying somthing else to get a feel for how the Cerakote goes on or watch the Karate Kid, wipe of wipe off! Don't forget to tape off the metal bezel and class. Note , i sprayed the head and battery tube separatly so you will need to mask of anything you dont want coated. After a applying cerakote and the recomended number of coats you will need to let the host bake or air dary. In my case it went into an oven. Follow the directions included with your Cerakote to a "T". Note - Another tip, mask all threads. I dont want to have any contact issues or destroy the factory threads. Tape or mask threads to insure proper connectivity between the head and battery tube. This is also a great time to mod a driver or replace LED's as some will strip the host completely. I had already modded this SRK with a driver but i should have replaced the LED's with U2's, no biggie. After the coating has set reassemble and double check threading , land lube . And now you can apply the same coating in any color to any host, not just SRK. ChicagoX posted some unbelievable pics and its really not difficult to achieve with some patients.. The hardest and most important part of this mod is prepping the host. I cant stress how important it is to be meticulous in cleaning the bare surface prior to spraying. And you dont need a spray gun or prior expertise. You will need to purchase your preferred color coating outlined below and make sure you eat a big bowl of patients that day. Buy a six pack of beer or a choice bottle of Cognac, your choice. Results should be a factory finish or better. Total costs Enough for 6-8 Hosts -minus my spray gun Cerakote $45.00 ( enough for 6-8 large hosts) Disposable and reusable spray gun $15.00 Plastic container $2.00 Paint Stripper ( Grease Lightning) $7.99 misc items Steel wool, masking tape, gloves, ** don't forget eye protection - clasp or hook with wire to hang your host, aluminum foil, Booze?? Free time - 1.5hours strip and prep 1.5hours prep and spray, + cure time I'll check back to make sure i covered the imprtant steps and didnt miss anything. If anyone has any questions PM or post btw - Matte black, dark grey, and HA Olive drab and brown will give fantastic results. Thanks n Good Luck