Just another reason to not buy their product, make sure this gets posted on redit, CPF, TLF, Etc.
Just to pile on cause they seem to have a history of poor marketing choices:
Do we know for sure that’s legit? Is guy above (still) legit Klarus representative?
(yeah, I see avatar logo and nickname)
I got confirmation via klaruslight.com mail response that this announcement is authentic.
I think this deklaration is the real counterfeit. They couldn't even get banggood.com right, I'm sure the real Klarus wouldn't make such an embarrassing mistake.
while this is true, the manufacturer can freely choose to offer warranty on his own terms. This is on top of the after sales service which the dealer has to provide.
Klarus torches are so backward that I have never had the desire to have even one. That’s why this declaration does not change anything for me.
I actually like Klarus flashlights. Maybe some store above wants to get rid of their complete Klarus collection for low price, now?
Waiting for megacheap Klarus deals by ban(g)good
They have a really cool silent/tactical switch. But I have never owned a klarus… now I may never do because nobody is authorized
Is this because thy have too many product reclaim and refund issue?
Let’s declare we’ll never buy a Klarus flashlight. So the problem may be considered as solved
So basically you are targeting the consumer we are the people buying your lights? Why should it matter where the light is purchased? Do you even have official reseller in all countries? I have never seen a seller here in Sydney Australia?
As it stands no countries have legal jurisdiction for a warranty claim with other countries unless the business is registered in said country. (except maybe the EU?). So really Klarus doesn’t have to honor a warranty as such. Nor do the seller but it does look bad if they don’t.
I actually came here to post this document, however surprisingly Klarus beat me to it. They obviously do not want to release a list of authorized dealers because then everyone could say they bought their light from Going gear. What a joke of a company to do this.
Klarus are POS anyways. Lol why would i ever want to buy one.
I declare I have enough flashlights, so I will never look in those sites again
I NEVER had one of their lights, unlikely would I consider one, and now certainly have NO DESIRE for their products!
Regardless of their FEEBLE and customer thwarting message, I still would not want one of there lights.
Probably ALL irrelevant to me because I have bought about 95% of my lights from USA dealers.
Then don’t sell your lights to them, easy.
(Just like acebeam and Olight)
But their lights are top quality and people usually get their warranty honored. You can’t release a statement like that and don’t let people know where to buy your products and how to honor the warranty.
I don’t think manufacturers necessarily have full control how shippers or sales platforms get stock.
Like, how are they going to control what all the “stores” on gearbest sell on there? Or even worse, ebay? There are hundreds of stores on ebay selling flashlights from China and I am sure they can get Klarus items if they wanted to.
I don’t think it would be easy to prohibit this and/or sue a large sales platform in China.
When I read this “official announcement”, my first thought was
“These are flashlights, not controlled substances.”
There is plenty of examples of grey market equipment that is supposed to only be sold in XYZ Country. If these sites were getting lights that Klarus intended to stay in China or whatever they might get sympathy from a few people (but lets be honest, not many). However, their choice of words and lack of clarify is pretty pathetic regardless of if they have a “good” reason or not.
Wow! But its must be because of the different culture.