Sorry if any confusion about last declaration, below is new clarify declaration, thanks for your attention!
Even if the Klarus light they are selling are genuine Klarus product?
I am of the opinion that manufacturers should honor warranty claims of their products as long it’s genuine…regardless where it was bought.
well, which dealers ARE authorized dealers then?
Mine safe…
Me too.
Yes, I’ve been looking at some Klarus products, is there a list of “authorized” dealers?
Aftersales service is to be offered by the seller, not usually by the manufacturer. So this declaration should go the those non-authorised dealers, not to the customers. And it is a weird practice that Klarus apparently does sell their products to those non-authorised sellers that subsequently do not receive aftersales service, sounds like warranty-evasion
I officially declare not to buy Klarus products anywhere until they solve this mystery to my satisfaction.
(never bought Klarus products anyway
also, it is banGgood, not bangood.
Unless you want to ban all of these folks for good
So technically is kosher for Kalrus (sic).
Well, in my case, I have claimed warranty service for these brand of lights that failed on me, straight to the manufacturer:
Zebralight (SC600 x 2, switch) — I paid the freight to and back from China.
Fenix - TK41(switch) — I paid the freight to China, them taking care of the freight back. Repaired light DOA, so they eventually sent an FD65 as replacement.
Nitecore -EA8 ( 2x,switch) — same RMA policy as Fenix above
Olight - same RMA as Fenix and Nitecore
In all cases I never bothered the runaround of going through the dealers ( for they are only sellers)…all the company asked are the serial numbers to check for authenticity, and that’s it.
Flankry my dear I don’t give a damn (darned typos, dark chocolate must be kicking in).
I have several Klarus products purchased from some of the vendors that appear on the list.
By the publication of that list I guess that “there is locked cat”.
When “there is locked cat” I stop buying.
Therefore I declare: I will not buy more Klarus products until the “locked cat” is solved.
Thanks to Klarus for the alert.
Very bad business practice if you ask me. Klarus should talk to the retailers. Not punishing buyers who had no idea the mentioned shops aren’t authorized distributors.
How can those shops even have the lights in stock if Klarus didn’t sell them to them?
there are multiple ways of getting stock. indirect channels, buying up inventory from secondary markets, straw man transaction from manufacturer.
So I understand why this official statement was issued; it is also useful information for buyers. A complete list of authorized sellers would be the right amendment though, including the latest warranty guidelines and what will happen to consumers who already bought from the stores listed above.
Wow. This really needs some Klarification.
So where do all these “unauthorized” dealers, get stuff to sell?
I just spread the word on TLF, too. So, more (potential) Klarus customers will be warned about this business conduct. :FACEPALM:
I hereby officially declare not to buy any further Klarus products anywhere until Klarus stops taking their customers hostage upon conflicts between manufacturer and retailers.
This is not okay. I will never buy another Klarus light until this is solved.
Some of our other High Margin sellers have their panties in a wad and are beetching about legit competition taking their profits, so now we will go on a Rant and try to tell our customers what and where they can buy our products under the veil of useless Threats.
OK, you told us and you did so, not in the Commercial section where you should be and now I Officially Declare…………You can ……Kiss my Azz.
Own a few Klarus products and while the fit and finish is good, they are not the end all nor are they something that makes me say “Ohh, I gotta have that”
Carry on!*