Knives...what happened :)

There was a big push a while back for a knife sub-forum and yet now there seems to be little interest in knives. What happened? :slight_smile:

I’m not asking what happened to the idea of a knife forum. I’m asking why is there so little talk about knives now when it was such a hot topic a few months ago?

We are all too broke buying 5/7 xm-l lights.

Haha…well, you should be buying 5/7 knives instead!

I could buy a heap of knives but Customs would take most of them so now I don’t bother. Knife threads make me cry.

Exactly ! All these new photon-blasters making big holes in our pockets :stuck_out_tongue:
Seriously though, I for one am quite hesitant about ordering knives online. Our customs here can be very touchy about such items.

I guess I lucked out. I was able to buy my SRM knives right here in the U.S. so no Customs concerns.

As one of the people who posted regularly on knives... I have a pretty nice collection by now that covers most of my needs... and probably a bit more. ;-) Now it's only about refining the collection. I have given more knives away lately, than I bought new. I ordered the PB-728, because a friend got his (PR728) and I really like the finish and that it is more "gentlemanny".

I think I have some sort of very specific gadget-ADD .... when something is new and exciting (and affordable) it gets all my attention... until I move to the next thing. (flashlights/knives/android-devices)

Mr. Admin said a while ago... that he wants BLF to stay a flashlight focused forum... so the middle ground was the "gear for flashlight carriers" category.... so that we don't have to discuss knives&gear in the off-topic forum.

That’s a nice knife. Yeah, I agree that the “Gear for Flashlight Carriers” is fine for discussing knives. I was just wondering why they weren’t being discussed all that much lately.

One thing I’ve noticed with some of the SRM knives but not all is that the sharpened part of the blade extends all the way into the handle.

When that happens on a knife with a liner lock, particularly a stiff liner lock, if makes it likely that you nick your fingers closing it.

I much prefer those models that aren’t sharp just before the blade enters the handle.

BTW, people seem to still make use of the BLFgiveaway coupon (pot is at $79 btw) ... so I guess people are still buying knives, but just don't write about them.

I like that PB-728. That’s a good blade shape.

Vectrex, can you open it one handed without a thumbstud?

I would definitely be up for a separate forum, but with a name like Sharpthangs, I’m a bit biased.

Well after ordering more than a few knives and igniting “knife madness” on friends and relatives and ordering knifes for them it’s time to take a little break. However I still regularly check for new offers and models and to be honest I’m quite close to hitting “add to chart” button for this one J)

That’s funny. I just ordered that one 5 minutes ago! I got that one and the 604 (already have the 605). This is my first order with Exduct. I got the others locally.

I picked the 6261 due to the size, wood handles and it will be my first axis lock.

I’ve had my eye on one of these.


Well, from my experience you won’t be disappointed with exduct. 6261 looks really nice but original version (1661) had somewhat (too)stiff axis lock as reported by some owners. Hopefully SRM solved this as axis lock on newer 763 is absolutely perfect.

Looks interesting (shame it’s not axis lock) but kind of ugly, especially tan version. Perhaps live impression would be different.

Yeah, hopefully that’s resolved. I find a few of the liner locks to be rather stiff as well. Maybe with time that improves as stiff blade opening usually does.

The jimping on the liner locks is good for grip while using the knife but combined with a stiff liner lock it can be tough on the fingers when closing the knife. I thought I’d try an axis lock as and alternative to that.

Liner locks don’t have to be that way of course. I have a Bolker Plus Excalliber (or something like that) that has a liner lock that moves easily and is much easier on the fingers.

The one that had me VERY tempted to bid on was this hinderer replica\_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649#ht_2172wt_948

I just love the looks of this knife, I also found his store in aliexpress

OMG that looks awesome. !!!


I know its a clone but can’t help to drool over it.

Here is a review someone made in another forum and compared it to the real thing.

I even see one on aliexpress allegedly with S35VN steel blade for just a tad more.

Yeah, that Hinderer copy looks really nice, but the ones I have seen are all tanto blades, and while the look pretty, I’m not as big a fan from a usability standpoint.

Some of the Sebenza copies are nice, too. I wonder how the heat treatment is on the D2 they claim.

Not sure I’d be willing to drop $100 on a maybe.