Currently what is best method for lapping some rougly aluminium pill like the C8?
I thinked Dremel with Column support plus vise for fix pillar
all in perfect plain right
but what accessories for lapping?
I find this but not fine sand paper just cotton
! !
Does there are on commerce this similar accessories but with sand papaer installed and removable?
(for use different grids)
this is my idea but don’t know how is called
25mm is the smallest one I could find
What 2 parts are you mating together?
Most of the tools you display are for polishing.
If I am lapping 2 parts together I do it by hand with an abrasive compound between them. The abrasive compound will wear against both surfaces to mate or match surfaces for better contact area between them.
Certainly a 20K RPM Dremel is not needed for lapping.
Thanks for replies
25mm is too large,the max size of internal pill is 20,8mm for fit 20mm star mcbp
vwpieces can explain your method work and wich product you use?
are you sure that the surfice will be plain?