Ok I had posted before with some ideas about getting rid of some batteries from laptop pulls but I have gotten overwhelmed whit all of the packs I have now. I have boxes stacking up and just taking up space. If I were to do flat rate boxes full of battery packs, med is 12.35$ and large is 17.45$, and charge something per pack who would be interested? Or even for trades. Anything just let me know what you think of the idea.
I have several hundred packs already with more on the way and I have three more large boxes coming in the morning.
They are used packs. The ones that I have pulled have ranged from 2.1v to 4.0v. Using the on board diagnostics of the laptops most of the batteries are saying 60-70% of original capacity.
Here is the original post when I had 80 packs, Orig Post
These are going out as is and were from a large groups upgrade of laptops and these were going to the trash. I have pulled more than enough of them to have a stock for myself. They are holding charges and I have used them with good results thus far. I am waiting on a hobby charger to get more info. But I am already getting dirty looks from the wife about all the boxes in my office and living room.
Not really sure what they are worth I was thinking a few bucks per pack. Exact price I am unsure so I am more or less asking you all what a good price for them would be.
I was thinking that maybe 2-3$ for the 6 packs and 3-4$ for the 9 packs, would that sound like a good way to start? Let me know what you think and I will start a sell thread.
If shipping is going to be most of the cost, I don't see the point in shipping a partially filled box.
How are you getting $80 per box? A large flat rate box fits a little over 25 packs. That should be $30 or less using the prices you mentioned earlier.
If you fill it full, you'll need to use a LOT of tape. The sides of the boxes that the ends of the batteries face should probably be reinforced, along with the short edges of the box. Another option is to tape a row of batteries together, then tape all those rows together, which should prevent packs from falling out if the box is damaged during shipping. Or skip all that and depend on the insurance that automatically comes with shipping that way.
I thought you meant those prices was the total for that number of packs, not counting shipping costs. $3+ for each battery before shiping is a bit steep for used packs that haven't been tested since it's occasionally possible to get new packs for $10 or less including shipping.
I would rather be fair and help members out than make a bigger profit. That is why I made the thread. I want to get a feel for what BLF thinks is fair, to both parties. I am new and giving back to the group seems like a good idea.
Well, that's nice of you. If you're not doing it to make money, and you got them for free, I'd add an amount for your trouble (gas, supplies, wife), plus a small buffer, and sell it for that. USPS flat rate boxes are free, so supplies may be limited to tape. If those battery packs are super easy for you to get, you don't clean/test/open them, you already had free boxes sent to your house, and you're having the mailman pick them up from your house instead of dropping them off at the post office, and they're random packs, then $80 shipped seems way more fair to you than for members. Keep in mind I seem to value my time more than members here do though, at least that's my conclusion from the low interest in cells pulled from old new stock, cleaned and tested on a hobby charger. You might find the same if you sell it for $80 a box. Ultimately, you can't really know unless you offer it for that price. Now if you opened all the packs, removed the tabs and checked if the cells were healthy, then $80 for a box would seem more for to the member buying than for you.
I would be boxing them and taking them to the post office. I have a bit into each pack from the supplier. So I could go to 2.50$ a pack and still make a reasonable amount. Is that more fair?
The end result is I would like to make enough for two or three hobby chargers and be able to test the packs after I pull them. Not trying to make a coin off of the group just trying to find funds to fuel the insanity.
Let the Market decide and in your add be brutally honest, that is always fair. It’s not like you are forcing anyone to buy them.
I buy a ton of batteries because I like to give them away with my lights. I have also sold a few hundred batteries that were pulled from battery boxes (not by me).
I was selling my batteries for 10 for $20 they were sony 2600 redtops. That included shipping and they were all unused batteries that had all been tested. How much are people willing to pay for used untested batteries? Well that is up to them. Laptops are brutal on batteries so I know I wouldn’t take the chance unless the price was really cheap. Even then I wouldn’t spend more than $25 on a gamble.
The price per individual cell including shipping would have to be under 40 cents for me to even think about it.
As you know it’s a ton of work dealing with these batteries. There is a lot of potential downside (possibly spend money/time and get none that work well) and because of the cost of shipping and work involved not nearly as much potential upside.