Used 6 cell laptop battery, unknown history.
According to the formula here: Individual 18650 capacity formula? | Best brand laptop battery for 18650 cells?
it should yield six 2500mAh cells -
3.7V x 3 = 11.1V (battery contains 2 parallel packs of 3 cells in series)
56Wh divided by 11.1V = 5.045 divided by 2 = ~2500mAh
Tip: pull back the sticker to reveal the cells:
Attack it carefully with Aviation Tinsnips:
Result: 3 good cells (3.9V), 3 bad (.4V, .4V and 1V)
Voltage display from fasttech mounted in recycled telco line filter box with magnets on croc clips.
Confirmed voltage with multimeter as voltage display did not light for the bad cells.