Hey guys this started out as scaru project but I traded him another aspheric project that I had 2 of and this is kinda rare well to me it :slight_smile:

Here is scaru thread on the lenses

It takes 2 lenses and its a around 122mm

I used a lamp for the body because I could not find anything that looked cool lol
The handle takes 3x18650 and is taped for now, i need to get parts machined to have the handle screw/unscrew ect……

Pics to come and will be updated as the build goes along

Welcome to post anything like host ideas besides what I’m going with lol,led to go with or how to make this a zoom and flood light is my main thing to gigure out anything really enjoy :slight_smile:

reserved for updates ect.

im going to try to use this switch

im gather up funds to buy me a RLT XM-L for it

wow, at first the pictures didn’t load. I refreshed and was expecting to see something ugly - that head looks great!

its hard to suggest an LED w/o knowing if you have a use in mind, other than ” WOW ”

I wonder if the beam/die image will be too small with xpg2 or xml2?

is it a 2 lens system (precollimator). if so, an mt-g2 might be impressive, especially when just bit out of focus

as far as making it flood to throw - that head looks too heavy for a push/pull to work well

i’m thinking:
-have the part that joins the head and body made longer than you would if the head were fixed, so it can move back and forth.
-if the head doesn’t already have threads, you could use a low pitch thread (less turns to move the head)
if you really wanted push/pull, do it the same way they do in most lights (close head/body fit with orings for friction), but add a wing bolt to the bottom of the head so that you can tighten that to lock it in place after adjusting. you’d want to mill a recess/track in the body for the bolt to tighten into/against so that any little deformation it makes doesn’t interfere with head movement.

anyway - looks fun, can’t wait to see how it turns out!

Ill have to go look at some lights at few stores to get a idea, I like your idea of the push/pull type of focus,

very good idea

or even a big luminus from wavien if you don’t mind sacrificing run time

No not really I’m just looking for power/throw

Wounder how that would work

wild guess - more throw than non-wavien xm-l, less than RLT xm-l but incredible output

I wonder how much extra they charge to mount the collar and emitter to a heatsink the consumer provides.

So many LEDs to choose from lol, ill contact them and see if they can mount it and if they have a driver for them

When asked they said they could mount a wavien collar for 80 dollars.

Scaru I no u said to try out the RLT XM-L is that my best option for that lens setup ?

I don't know, but that is what I would use. While a RLT XP-G2 would throw further than an RLT XM-L it would have a thinner beam. The real "best" LED for this would be a XP-E2 RLT, but that would cost 80 dollars+ the cost of the LED on a 20mm board.

So it’s 80 to have put on a board WOW

Yeah... I posted about it here.

just a design i have that i want the body to look like, it will be all made from 6061 aluminum with deep cut fins on top and the side that’s (Grey)

i might do a battery indicator with the LED push switch

Update: I just ordered a 5inch wide piece of aluminum that’s 4inches high so the light can stand up :slight_smile:

sorry im not a good drawer using (paint) on my laptop lol

just a thought… did you make this head to fit one particular light only or do you want to create the head to fit more lights?
( 1 size fits all)
have you ever thought about using 2 tubings for the head?
let’s say the diameter for the tubing with the lens is 5” OD and 1/4 ” thick
get another tubing with 4 3/4” OD ( doesn’t matter the thickness) and you can use it to slide in and out, therefore it will adjust the focus of the beam ( just like the zoomies)
that’s what i used for my experiments except mine was using plastic so i can see how far is the light inserted to get tight hotspot :slight_smile:

That sounds like a good start, how would I make the inside tubing so the outside tubing don’t slide out

I like the threads idea, makes it a giant twisty zoomie.

PM sent

That’s what ill be doing is the threads on both pieces,and for the copper slug ill make it adjustable also to get best focusing results