For those opning the latest Iphone 14 Pro or 14 Pro Max, those also have visble PWM like say Samsung S21 FE and some of the AMLED Samsung?
When I randomly move the phone quickly from left to right, unintentionally I see the clock in sequances, basically PWM effect, sure the screen refresh is 120Hz, yet does means nothing when a cheap phone with non-AMOLED panel has 60Hz refresh and at the same low brightness level has none of that obvious screen jerkiness like some AMOLED from Samsung.
If I shake the phone at over 50% brightness it seems to raise the frequency as it becomes not obvious.
For those who can easily detect PWM, how are the latest Iphones when the brightness is lower?
The apple specs site indicates refresh at 60 for the 14, and 120 Hz for the 14 Pro
240 Hz sounds like a sampling error with the measurement device; it would be an audible sound also that would be quite objectionable. PWM is typically done at frequencies outside the normal hearing spectrum.