LD-2, some testing of two prototypes of led4power's new driver board

Has the thermal protection been updated in the final design or still the same?

will this driver with a XHP70 with 2x NCR18650B Protected in series outperforme a 16x amc7135 driver with zener mod?
i mostly interested in regulated output and max out before driver overheats or light and low heat generated by the driver.

I raised external temp. protection threshold point a little bit(~72C on NTC),protection should activate at 55-60C in most flashlight hosts.

But if you want higher,you can always add some resistance in series with NTC to raise the threshold.

I'll add "Thermal considerations" part ASAP into info thread with more details.

16x7135 has ~20mOhm resistance,LD-2 ~6mOhm,so yes,it will outperform AMC based driver.

Nice to hear there are inprovemts to it and adding information to the main thread.

as i am new to the modding world and want to make the right choose for the light i am building.

so the performance from both are similer and are the output characteristics the same?
other then better runtime/output due to lower resistance on the LD-2.

also has anyone done a test of both of them and is what is the heat generated by the driver themself at max output with 2 cells in series fully charged?
will it require heatsinks for sustained out or not before protection kicking in?