LED ENGIN LZ1 throw emitter. 1x1mm die, 3A rated, 3v [no further specs]. They're here, pics up!

Very nice. Was hopping to hear that they were custom diy.

one question, why those emitter (yellow thing) is not in the centre of the circle ?
thay are bit off to the corner because those bond wire pads
(all the picture that you have post indicated that)

this is what i mean (sorry for poor editing skill) :slight_smile:


I was thinking the same thing, emitters being off center even when centering ring is perfectly mated with the reflector opening could be really annoying when trying to fine tune focus and alignment.


An led like this is more for throw so centering is important

Yes, if they can’t respin the emitter to get it centered maybe they could at least work an offset into the mpcb design and centering rings?

Ehhm, guys, we're looking at a prototype here, centering is not a thing that is crucial for testing the performance.

(that said, Ledengin has been guilty of selling leds with non-centered dies before...)

This is a bit more revealing so to speak, compared to using thick lines.
But since it is a prototype I wouldn't mind it.

Also you can see the angle of the photo is not flawless, there is a tiny bit of perspective.

I didn’t know prototypes were so rough. I would have thought the machine used to make it would’ve been programed a little more precise. Though, I really have no idea how these things are made.

Where did you buy this LED?


It wasn’t bought. The manufacturer sent a prototype sample to CK for testing. He has been working with them on its design. I’m not sure when they will be available for sale.

That blue color shift…ewww

Lower currents sure do throw a very pleasing tint (to my eyes anyway)

Keep up the great work C_K. Sure hope further development and accuracy on the emitter centering for production kicks up…but being a pre-prototype emitter…can’t expect it to be perfect, yet :wink:

Allright. Thanks.


I’m sorry for my rude posting before
i realize after beam shoot, the light is not at the centre thats why i replied with that comment

again, i’m sorry :beer:

I hope no one saw your comment as a rude.

You spotted a problem with a prototype emitter and pointed it out. That’s what prototypes are for. :slight_smile:
Sure you could keep quiet and hope it’s just an issue with the prototype.
However, simply assuming that the design team knows about a problem and not saying anything leads to issues like this potentially ending up in the final product.

Same thing with the blue shift above 4amps. Unless the team behind it specifically say “Hey, this thing is a rough prototype and can’t handle higher currents yet” then I’m going to assume that the final thing will also struggle with higher current. Good to hear about these kinds of tests.

Since we’re on the subject of off center LZ1s, check out this gem of a LZ1 365nm. Its hot spot looked like a Yin & Yang.

Hey guys, sorry for the lack of replies to the individual questions, I’ve been busy all weekend with testing and other work. I have a good amount of data (but I also have a 4th grade school project to finish up today). Just an FYI now, there’s no way I’m gonna be able to present all the data anywhere neat as neat and clean as the usual emitter test guys (DJozz and Match), so please dont be expecting that!

tjeret, I didnt take your comment as offensive or wrong, no worries bro. Yes the dies are definitely not centered but I imagine they know that, I will definitely ask about it but that doesnt prevent me from still testing everything else. We can expect “swash” looking beamshots from reflectored lights, and decrease max lux, but the zoomies should still perform about the same IRL, even with the off-center die.

I’ve not yet emailed my guy, I’ll be doing that tomorrow, I wanted to wait till I had some data to send as well as collect my thoughts. Being a higher up at an LED manufacturer I’m sure he’s well aware of flashlight forums and if he wanted to answer one line questions at a time he could join up here, I need to take the time to word my emails professionally and to ask everything I need to know (all the questions brought up here, plus my own) in one email. Dont worry that will be happening ASAP, I’m just as curious as you all! I will answer questions here with his responses once I have those answers, anything I would answer right now would just be personal speculation…

I now have a second LED installed in the Z1 and the performance is lower, lux is actually higher at 211kCd but total lumens are <350 OTF (zoomed out, only <275 zoomed in!), everything else is the same so there seems to be a pretty big variation from one emitter to the next (that’s not unexpected in a early proto as they’re learning how to best make these things in this process) but a little disappointing. I think I’m gonna have to swap out all 4 LED’s and record which one is the best and use it in the Z1, whichI’m not planning to swap back to XP-L. It took driving an XP-L at >5A to make 275kCd, if I can run at 3.5A for 200kCd thats what I want in that light, that’s over 90min on max at full output (especially with the low vF)!
I have the initial LED now installed in my sister’s EE X6-BLF host (no numbers yet, she needed it back to head out for the night right as I finished it up, I’ll get it back and measured today). Last night I ordered a SS ZY-T13 (from a US seller) because I wanted to show them in a wider array of lights. I really wanted to use an STL-V6 but couldnt get one fast enough.

For the 4th LED, I havent for sure made up my mind but I’m thinking I’m gonna install it in an SK98, reason is I have an XP-E2 SK98 I use as my bedroom window light and I love that tiny hot spot with no spill, I think it would be informative to have 2 identical lights and compare XP-E2 vs LZ1 throwe however I promised DJozz one of them for his official testing (initially I was told I wold be receiving many more than these 4) and I want to either go threw with that or try to source one more LED to send him cause I’m personally interested in his results. My TN30 idea, I think is awesome, but it’s not a very common light I’m trying to pick more common lights to put these in (why I chose the X6 and bought the T13 and am considering the SK98).

Anyway guys I will let you know info as I get it. I will also be posting up some results, not sure if I can organize them into a nice graph or just a list or what but I do have a bunch of lumen / lux / vF measurements collected (and the vF is still very low, IMO the best individual spec for these). Man I need to buy a couple white [regular] LZ1’s to test along with them.

P.s. @Jubeldum I did email about one messed up 365nm LZ1, another that was posted here a few weeks ago that a guy in europe bought from customlites (sorry whoever, cant remember your name without going threw PM’s) but my guy is, last I heard [last week] looking into it and still waiting on a response from the engineers about what/why.

I have to say, CK for a fourth grader your work is exceptional! Good luck on your project! :smiley:

I have an XRE mounted in a P-60 that is too cool of a tint for my pleasure but it sure does throw! Be interesting to see how those two compare.

i did some experimenting with a plain old LZ1, not the prototype you have, in my Crelant. it handles the amperage much better than a XP-E2, i think the crelant is a little over 3 amps, and it seems like it throws just as far as the de domed XP-E2. once i get my Noctigon mcpcb for the XP-E2 i will try again. it is not on a copper board at moment. but the standard LZ1 actually throws extremely well. i am getting around 2500 feet that i can easily see that it is hitting the target in a area that is not extremely dark. the XP-E2 would hit that distance while being a little bit brighter, but only for about 5 seconds after the first turn on of the light.

Wow, this is very interesting! :open_mouth:

Subscribed! :slight_smile:


Love the little quads too!