LED ENGIN LZ1 throw emitter. 1x1mm die, 3A rated, 3v [no further specs]. They're here, pics up!

"a guy in europe" That would be me :-) (click for large)

A replacement is on its way from customlites. So thumbs up for customlites, and for Cereal_killer for reporting to LEDENGIN!

Any timeframe on when there will be a DTP MCPCB avaliable for the LZ1?

just out of curiosity, i took the dome off the regular LZ1 i have. the die is actually encased in a smooth layer of silicone or something under the glass dome. tested it in my Crelant with reflector head and collimator. on low with collimator it easily lights up a smoke stack 2000 feet away. got me wondering what the distance on high is. 2000 feet no problem at all.

Great Thread. C_K and others, you certainly do amazing work for the good of the community.