LED-Stripes and Google Home/Alexa

Hello to everyone, I’m new, I hope that post is in the right category!

I want to connect led Stripes to a Wifi Controller and that to my Wifi, I then want to control my LED- Stripes with Alexa/Google Home.

To this point it is an easy project, but when I turn off my normal light in my room I want that my LED-Stripes turn off aswell.

I could realize that if I have them in the same circuit as my Room lights, but when I turn my room lights back on, it takes a while till my LED-Stripes connect via wifi, so i always have to wait till I can control them with alexa/google home.

Is there a solution where they get automatically turnt off when i turn off my room light, but still have electricity and a connection to the wifi?

Greetings Lukas

You could use IFTTT and create an action to do just that.

Wow this is genius! I just looked at that and it seems like the ultimate problem solver!
But now I started to realize a new problem. I want to have a “background” light for my mirror in the bathroom. I cant really turn it on, bc my google home/Alexa would be in another room.

greetings, Lukas

I use alexa and I also use Mi motion sensors for general room control. I also run a RP as a home automation server.

I looked on the mi sensors but didn’t get everything. Do they cut the power completely or just turn off my led strip via wifi ?

What do you mean about “background light” for the mirror? If you just need a light to go on/off automatically, you can get an ordinary motion sensor. If you need it to come on when another light goes off, you can connect their circuits through a normally closed relay, or use a photo sensor so it will come on when the room becomes dark. If there is some other “trigger” that you want to use, then program it into IFTTT.

It’s like an indirect light behind the mirror that will work as the main light, so I cant use a relay or photo sensor. Can I use a motion sensor that I program into IFTTT that only turns off the led strip via the wifi controller and doensn’t cut the power of the wifi controller and led strip?

An 2nd alexa would work aswell tho, but i want to save money.

Sorry guys, I’m kinda lost there are so many possibilities!!

greetings lukas

You wouldn’t use a motion sensor with IFTTT, because IFTTT is just a program. You would need smart hardware for IFTTT to control. It won’t turn off your Wi-Fi, unless the Wi-Fi is plugged into the smart hardware controller (like a smart power outlet). Or you can use regular “dumb” hardware, like a sensor. Why do you say you can’t use a relay or a photo sensor? Those don’t have to be behind the mirror with the light. They can be wherever you put them.

What is it that you want the light to do? When do you want it to turn on? When do you want it to turn off? This will determine what your best option is.

I wouldn’t bover, Alexa is female , she won’t listen :D Ask Siri to do it instead.

please don’t get offended, it was a joke & mild sexism is allowed in jokes, it’s not real life.

I just gonna install a “wifi switch” and controll everything in my bathroom with it, that’s gonna be my solution.

Also, I want to go the ZigBee way, so I need ZigBee controllers. Most LED Strips only have a distance of 5m, until they need a new controller. Is there a solution where I can control it with one controller??

greetings Lukas

Well, she will listen and say my decisions are fine, but then wont do anything hahaha