Negative DTP for the LED and mosfet.
Except copper Noctigon that have direct thermal path (DTP) trough central pad, they are aluminium metal core printed circuit boards (MCPCB) designed and developed from scratch named MOSLED EXTREME or short MOSX. They have pad for external Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor-Field-Effect-Transistor (MOSFET) combined with pad for Negative-Temperature-Coefficient (NTC) thermistor (thermal sensor). This makes them different from any other MCPCBs from market.
There are huge benefits to this design because of true temperature regulation, better dissipation of heat coming from MOSFET thus leading to more reliable operation and cooler running Driver board thus longer runtimes on highest modes.
Also they are 3 times lighter than Copper comeptition because aluminium is used as core material with only 2.3% higher thermal resistance compared with copper DTP competition and 1.5% lower thermal resistance compared to non-DTP copper MCBCBs.
Another thing to note is that currently there is no other MCPCBs on market that support 4040 LED footprint in form of single, triple or quad configuration, especially combined with pads for MOSFET and temperate sensor!
Also there is support for Osram Oslon Black Flat that is known for not having electrically negative central pad and support for Lumileds Luxeon Z ES!
MOSLED EXTREME boards (the white ones) have chemically grown aluminum oxide(alumina ceramic) layer as insulation which is excellent thermal conductor compared to classical MCPCB insulation layers ( basically epoxy+ ceramic powder), performance should be pretty much "DTP - like" for LED applications.
Advantages over copper DTP are:
- electrically insulated - it's possible to use LEDs with electrically non-insulated thermal pad,like OSRAM Oslon (both IR and white), while maintaining DTP - like performance
- very flat surface - this is important for very small LED packages
- lower mass - may be beneficial in headlamps
- high temperature resistance - because there are no laminated epoxy based layers, there is nothing to "melt",burn or de-laminate, board can be re-soldered many times without degradation
- harder to solder wires - this is because whole PCB is thermally conductive, unlike DTP, where only central pad is very conductive
So djozz was correct (again), Jos please send me PM with address.
There are 9 different versions of mosX boards: 3535,4040,5050,7070,3x3535,3x4040,4x4040,OSLON/LUXEON IR, LUXEON ZES, I will put them on web page soon.
LIke MOSLED pcbs, these boards should be very convenient to drive low Vf LEDs,or in any case where dissipation in mosfet is high (XP-G3,XP-L2,Lux V,SST-40, XHP50.2,XHP70.2,XHP35...) in combination with LD-B4 driver.
I don't know if Luxeon V even fit under Carclo optics,I will try that later, but I'm counting on domless version release of Lux V, sooner or later.
I will do some tests vs. DTP when I find time,but based on older MOSLED pcbs test (mosled extreme has ~7-10times better performance vs mosled), I think difference will be hard to measure.
BTW, OSLON/LUXEON IR version doesn't have pads for mosfet because these LEDs have relatively high Vf, so there is no need to use LD-B4 with separated mosfet, power dissipation is not very high.
MOSLED EXTREME (mosX) boards added to web:
including one "non-MOS" but equally extreme MCPCB for OSRAM OSLON (BLACK FLAT, SFH 4715AS) and new Luxeon IR:
This MCPCB is “common anode” type, which makes it suitable for LEDs with common anode (infrared OSLON like SFH 4715AS and LUXEON IR), but LEDs with common cathode (OSLON BLACK FLAT for ex.) can be also used – LED should be soldered in opposite direction, “+” and “-” solder pads are also inverted in that case.
Also, I added two white spacers for ILC-0 under ILC-0 options, one 18x2mm for Convoy and equivalent lights, other 17x2mm for Eagle Eye X6:
White spacers give very uniform brightness across whole tailcap surface. 17x2mm white spacer is first spacer available for Eagle Eye X6, so build is now easy.
Those MCPCB’s look nice… Will you be selling the 3x and 4x 4040 boards with the Luxeon V’s on them?
Yes, for now you can buy them separately.
Thanks a lot , ordered some oslon’s mcpcbs
Just wanted to report that my ILC-0 from recent giveaway arrived several days ago, unfortunately I was so busy this days I did not have a time to try it out
I did take it with me to workplace thinking that Nikon D3200 that we use for work will give me some nice photos, well it turned out that D3200 with kit lens makes shitiest, unusable macro photos I ever saw.
So THANKS led4power, this is the fanciest lighted switch I now own
For 6V LED?
1S-4S, PCB prepared for e-sw support also, but first it will be clicky switch only.
Neat. Could the LD-4B be used in theory with 4 separate MOSLED PCBs in something like the Q8, so each emitter has it’s own MOSFET, or would that cause issues on the gate drive? Honestly I’ve never really tested to see how consistent MOSFETs are part to part.
Really liking the new PCBs though, going to have to pick up some 4040 triples and quads at least, likely some others as well to go with the LD-B4HV once it is live. Will there be an LD-A4HV at any point?
Mosfets like many semiconductor parts have relatively wide tolerances, so separate mosfets with only one control signal is not best idea,at least in theory (just like parallel LED connection is not recommended), but it may work. Better solution would be one big mosfet (can be on separate PCB if there is enough space) and LEDs in parallel. For example, in Q8 you could use normal copper DTP board(s) for LEDs and have mosfet on its own mcpcb mounted on bottom side of the shelf (glue,screws...), all controlled with one LD-B4(HV).
For Luxeon V triples and quads you can use existing LD-B4,if you have clicky hosts of course. There will be no LD-A4HV because even on single cell, heat management is not easy with most new low Vf LEDs; dissipation in mosfet with most of 6V-12V LEDs is over what mosfet mounted on FR4 pcb could handle.
Hey, good news you’ll make e-switch drivers again. :+1:
I had a bit of time to play with the MosX 20mm MCPCB and the LUXEON V emitter.
First I tried it in a EE X6 with a BLF A6 driver, I got 8.56 A draw on turbo but I couldn’t find a centering I thought fitted properly.
I ended up with a Sofirn C8 host and a MTN-17DDm driver giving 9.31 A draw on turbo
I used one of these Convoy centering rings reamed out to fit the emitter
The think the MCPCB’s are great, but it does take a lot more heat to solder the wires. The amp draw is very high so I will be ordering a LD-B4 6Amp driver and a ILC-0 Illuminated tailcap.
Waiting for these driver, finally… :sunglasses:
Maybe next year

Maybe next year
About when next year? :+1:
Neven I’m down to (3) LD-2 M2’s ( one of which is going into one of two BLF GT’s) and (3) LD-2’s I have been saving as back ups, stop torturing us/me!