I started looking into DIY lights since basically yesterday, because I want to build a “light column” light source for party / entertainment / mood. I did some research and it seems the Ledil Seanna lens will give me a very narrow angle beam, so I ordered one.
For the light source, I looked at:
XQ-E 1.6 x 1.6 mm, 3W, 2.9 V, 334 lm
XHP35.2 3.45 x 3.45 mm, 13 W, 11.2 V, 1718 lm
XHP50.2 5 x 5 mm, 18W, 12V, 2654 lm
I don’t care much about illuminating something, but rather having a visible light beam (in foggy conditions). The Ledil datasheet suggests that the smaller the light source, the tighter the beam and the higher the max. intensity will be. Examples:
So even though the XQ-E is just 334 lm vs 2654 lm of the XHP50.2, the light beam from the XQ-E seems to be more intense due to the smaller footprint? Which LED would you guys recommend? I’m tempted to order all three and see which one gives me the best results.
Also, I’m not sure I got the power source thing figured out. I have two sources available:
12V 5A USB-C power bank
48V / 40A eBike battery
Can I use the 12V power bank directly for the XHP50.2, or do I need to limit current also, which means I need to order a special driver?
Happy for any input, as I’m completely new to this.
That is a very nice build! If I ever do a v2, this might be the template. For my current project I’m not looking to beat records, and I want to keep costs very low, so I guess the XHP50.2 will be it.
I’ve seen that people “de-dome” their LEDs - is this also advisable to do for my purposes? Why?
This chip costs > 40€! But I bet it has decent throw, considering the tiny size. Efficiency is not great either, so cooling won’t be easy, so I think I’ll pass.