So I need to buy button tops for my Nitecore TM16 as I can’t put solder blobs on the cells where I am currently, and I don’t just yet want to do what M4D M4X did and rip out the plastic protector.
I was looking at the button tops available at Illumination Supply, and I narrowed it down to the three mentioned in the title - the LG HE2, the Samsung 25R, or the Efest V2 3100mAh.
Test between the three cells, with a Samsung 26F thrown in for curiosity’s sake. (click on the 5A button at the bottom for the higher-drain test)
The 25R is the cheapest and the HE2 is nearly identical, with the HE2 starting off better, but the 25R ending better. Very close, though. The Efest starts out weaker, but has notably higher capacity, and is the most expensive of the three. Ignore the 26F, it doesn’t suit my needs well AFAIK.
Just interested in everyone’s opinion on which one you’d roll with.