Li-Ion Camera Battery Pulls?

Just wondering if any of you guys harvest from Li-Ion camera batteries. At my local flea market I can get heaps of camera batteries for like $0.75/piece.

I’ve got to admit this sounds interesting… However, if they are swollen there probably no good or on their way out. RC Lipos swell when there going tits up.
All we need now are more square flashlights.
Imalent seems to have started going in that direction slightly with the ddt40. God knows we all love the design.

Many of the battery packs I see at the flea market have two cylindrical outcrops in the molding which hints that there are indeed cylindrical cells inside. After reading through many labels, a lot of them seem to be wired in 2s1p for 7.2v in capacities from 695mAh to 950mAh.

talk about ironic? I JUST today “noticed” that i THINK there might be 2 AA-sized Li-Ion in the old camcorder lith battery pack I just got cheap at the mission second hand store.

I pick them up for nothing, to salvage the CAM LENS on the unit, if it has a low enough F-number and diameter to look “possibly useful” to me in my optics work and experiments i run… also, if it has a TV screen viewfinder? I use THOSE in my other hobby…

the OLD vhs models i like, have the older (better) lenses and TV viewfinders… this newer one has the LCD screen (useless to me) vierefinder, but… i NOTICED the lithium ion batteries charge up… and the “alkaline” battery pack takes all AA batteries, 2 sets of 3-in-series… meaning the littler lith ion pack prolly has 2 AA lithiums…

which might work in my little 68 clone, lol…


I say? take a cheap meter with you, and see if they have decent voltage?? cant HURT any…

14500 size? The ones that look like AA’s?

I've harvested cells from two camera packs similar to your description. Source was the town transfer station (dump). They contained two Chinese 18500s each. Got three usable cells and one dud. That dud was a candidate for an ultrafire wrapper with a glorious 68mah of capacity. Capacities were slightly reduced from new on the keepers. That said, the listed capacities on the packs were around 1600 mah at 7.2v. Yours may well contain 14500s.

I’ve disassembled battery pack from old Panasonic camera (I believe, it was a long time ago).
It had 2 x Sony US14650GR cells inside (one obviously dead and the other one with low capacity) which are perfect for 2xAA mini Mag modification. I’ve been looking for similar good quality 14650 cells (Sony, Sanyo, Panasonic branded) since then…

I had some 17360s from Panasonic battery packs.
They fit the Small Sun ZY-C1.
See this thread: Salvaging -16340s- 17360s

I’ve pulled 14430s and 14500s

Next time I hit up the flea I'm gonna try and get some packs of varying size and see what I get.

mine opened up before work… yielded 2 (two) 17500s… li ion…

both charged up to 4.3x……