Suppose some Li-ion batteries come out of a laptop pull and suppose a battery got a small nick in the shrink wrap (but the battery underneath is basically untouched) so that the battery underneath the shrink wrap is showing. Will this be needing to be corrected/re-wrapped before charging and usage?
New shrink wrap looks good but to what extent is it necessary (especially on the sides and not the top or bottom)?
Replacement wrap is really cheap, iirc around 2 cents per cell if you buy a few feet of it. If the stock wrap gets nicked or doesn’t wrap over the bottom edge then I rewrap it.
You can debate how necessary it is (for tears in the side) but a roll of 18650 shrink wrap is very cheap at fasttech. I’d just rewrap it. For small tears you can get away with a piece of tape. Unless your lights are a tight fit with the batteries.
Yes I saw the thread about re-wrapping and how to do it. I cannot get to a place to purchase any for some time and I need to use the batteries right away. Mail order would work except the budget does not allow it right now. I believe some members might think that the price of shrink wrap and shipping is trivial but there might be some members who are pretty poor at the moment.
Yes that was the intent all along but was just wondering what about using the batteries before re-wrapping. The small tear in the shrink wrap is about 6mm (.25") long on two batteries.
Yes, most are anodized (and of course anodized doesn’t conduct power) but it much much better to be cautious with li-ions. A little extra caution takes minimal effort and will not hurt but not enough can hurt you.
I have rewrapped my old 2400mAh Trustfires because of damaged wrappers.
If you use the clear one, better write on the battery what capacity it has (or had years ago)