I recently picked up the 2014 model of the Eagletac d25a ti when they went on clearance once the 2015 models were announced. I’ve wanted the ti version for a long time but just couldn’t pull the trigger for $75 or whatever they were. So I finally grabbed one and have been running them with an AW imr and a windyfire imr. I love the higher output over eneloops but it does heat up quicker than I’d like on high. I notice once the cells have dropped down in voltage a little bit the heat isn’t as bad. So I was wondering if the d25a could take lifepo4 cells. With the 14500s the light goes into dd so I think 3.2v shouldn’t be a problem, but I wasn’t sure. Runtime isn’t really too much of a concern. It’s my new edc light so as long as it gets through one day, I can charge it each night. I don’t use the light for work or anything like that just for fun around the house mostly. Just thought I’d give 3.2v a shot over 4.2v. I was thinking the output and temp might just hit a sweet spot between the imr and Nimh. if it sucks oh we’ll, it’s always fun playing around with my lights anyways. Does anyone know of a reason why this wouldn’t work?
I have been running an 18650 LiFePO4 in my DQG Tiny III for about a week. No problems except turbo didn’t seem so bright. A lot cooler on the 3.2V too. Only 1350mah is what it claims, but this just means I get to use my charger more… 8) I have also been running LiFePO4 AAA in my Microstream, a significant amount of less heat for a small reduction in Output… I am liking the LiFePO4 batteries…
Update: I have been running the DQG Tiny III with the 18650 LiFePO4 on back to back Turbo settings (one minute timed step down). It takes about five turbo cycles to get as hot as two back to back runs with 3.7v standard LiIon. It does not get hotter if you keep cycling turbo on LiFePO4. It does get hotter if you cycle it with the standard LiIon…
There is perhaps a 15% reduction in brightness on turbo (only on turbo, other levels are about the same) to my eye, but it seems like a good tradeoff to me.
The Microstream being run on a protected 10440 gets too hot for me, and has a runtime of ~20 minutes before the protection kicks in. On the Shoshine 280mah LiFePO4 AAA, it has ~24 minute run time with about a 10-15% brightness reduction…
Thanks for your input RemanG. I ordered a couple shoshine lifepo4 cells so I’ll see how they work. I’ve read lifepo4 cells are really good at keeping a constant voltage under load. Supposedly they stay right at 3.2 which should be perfect for my d25a with its xpg2 emitter. Like I said in my post, I don’t mind giving up a little output on turbo if I gain some runtime before the light gets hot. If you guess about 15% drop in output is say that is perfect, exactly what I was looking for. Give up 15-20% output to have the light warm up much slower sounds like the perfect scenario. Thanks again for sharing your experience.
Let us know what your impression of the LiFePO4 are when you get them. As long as your charger handles the 3.2V, you should be good to go.
Any update with your LiFePo4 experiences?