So after my enjoyable trip to the eastern side of Canada, i come home to a financial disaster.,.
As many know my ex & i had split up, but now she has run a debt of 25K+ grand plus on a consolidated loan/line of Credit than my name is on while i was visting family on that trip, (because of her gambling addition…
So now i am forced to begin plans to liquidate things & down-size, and put my house on the real-estate market. (I am planning to list it in the coming spring) So with all this mess, i am having to down-size my flashlight & lantern collection along with other assets to help keep my head above the water so to speak. I will post a list of what i am selling soon when i get time to inventory it all. I will offer them here before i post them to the local buy-and-sell websites for public.
I will still be active on BLF regardless every chance i can get, and will still be dedicated to working with the small team we have, & pushing to make the BLF lantern project a reality & to get it rolling into production.
Real sorry to hear that and hope it gets all worked out somehow. My friend is in a similar situation where his wife ran away with 100k and gambled it all away in just a few days.
On a brighter note, my wife has around 100k in student debt we are trying to pay down. If she were smart, she’d leave me for someone better looking and stick me with half the debt :disappointed:
Sorry to hear about your situation, DBSAR. Hope you’ll find a solution to everything and let me know if there is anything I can do to help (I work in finance and know a little bit here and there. I don’t know anything about relationships/divorces though!).
Because I am a flashlight beginner I won’t be able to buy any more lights, but I would be keen to see your creations and hope everything will turn around for you quickly.
Here in my state once the two parties live separately they are considered separated and all debt or contracts accumulated after that day is on the individual. Once one person moves out with intent to seperate, from that day the other is not responsible for anything the other does.
I really hate to hear the bad news DB. I know your country’s laws are different and I assume you have already spoke to a lawyer to advise you. :confounded:
If you move to Ontario, CALIFORNIA you can get a job at maglite and make it easier for me to buy more lights from you. Win-win!!! Of course you’ll be feeding my addiction which will result in me having an ex…hmmm. Win-win?
My brother in law is now my ex-bro-in law because of the same thing. Never paid child support for his kids but he did win Big once and bought his 2 daughters honda accords that were only a year old. At least he’s trying
Maybe go seek legal advice? If you can prove you were split up then that $25k might not be your problem at all, just hers.
Either way you must sever all ties with her asap if she is going to continue gambling.
Ya know, loaning money to gamble is called loan sharking. Illegal. Family member got out of paying gambling debts with that defense. Of course it took a lawyer and a few years to make it go away. It was in excess of $100k though.
Sorry to hear about your bad fortune. If there is anything we can do to help. Just hollar my friend.