While waiting for an inspector at work yesterday i got bored and some how “invented” this.
Dude! I have an S2 Baton and I’m stealing this idea! Love it! :+1: :+1:
Glad you will be able to use it.
Thought it needed to be shared.
:+1: Cool idea!
Seriously? I never would have thought about that. cool
Act as shock absorption too if you drop the light
Haha yeah, you can only drop it one way though.
That’s fine. My flashlights are like cats. They only ever land one way. (Unfortunately )
That’s a great idea!
Sometimes if your lucky, you can find a small semi-clear plastic object around the house that will fit around your bezel. Like from a food container, water bottle top, kid’s toy, medicine bottle, etc.
But I like how long your invention is though for maximum diffusion.