Light or Host that can use Prismatic (103450) Cells?

I pulled out these Panasonic CGA103450A LiCo prism cells rated @ 1950mAh~3.7v from a Lenovo ultrabook a week ago. One of them was deadball while the rest were at 2.2X~2.7Xv. Threw them into an i4 and had them charged, sat them idle for a week and they're sitting happily at around 4.13~4.15v.

My only thing is I have nothing I could use these in! I was thinking a host similar in looks to the Starry Light would be able to accommodate these cells, but I dunno where to look.

Keeppower has a selection of other prismatic cells also.

My post in the battery pull thread

What are the dimensions ?
Would they fit in a Zippo ?

These open up the possibility for a whole new flashlight shape !

According to the datasheet its 10.6mm x 34mm x 50mm, as the numbering implies 103450.

Google'd the dimensions of a zippo and its 12mm x 39mm x 56mm

Maybe you could get away with it!

Your mission is clear !

Very clever.

oooh I bet a light went off in MRsDNF's mind for something fancy to be crafted ;)

I wonder if you can get a cheap searchlight and modify it to accept these batteries. Other than that, there really is not any other way to use these in a light.

Three in parrallel should be in the D cell size region…and have plenty of capacity…

I suggested that in the pulls thread where this was originally posted. That, or milling-out the ridges in a SRK’s body to accept them.

I would imagine a 6-volt flashlight/spotlight would be a good candidate.

I found a pack with these cells about a year ago and still haven't pulled the cells. Was thinking of using in hand held spotlight type light.

They seem like they could work well in those rectangular German WW2 lights.

Trust me when I say theres nothing clever in my head. I likes Suncoasters idea. Its a very clever idea. RBD or someone like that could build an amazing light with there creativity.

Zippo flashlight.

They look well suited to a head-mounted light.

The notion of a 103450/Zippo light still grazes my minds eye once in a while. One of FT's new arrivals is an Aluminum cig holder

28mm x 91.6mm x 60mm. I can have 2 cells in there haha! :D

Edit: haha it seems the DIY vapers have taken an interest too.

I’ve accumulated 18 of these now from packs that I’d hoped held smaller cylindrical cells. Not sure what I’m going to do with them…

harbor freight magnet light and add a tp4056 board.looks like the triangle one will work too.
if you cant find anything to do with em holler.i can put them to work.