My LiitoKala Engineer Lii-500 LCD screen has just died after only 7 total charge cycles of 18650 cells.
When I plug in the power cord, the screen blinks once and dies.
Anyone else have this issue?
My LiitoKala Engineer Lii-500 LCD screen has just died after only 7 total charge cycles of 18650 cells.
When I plug in the power cord, the screen blinks once and dies.
Anyone else have this issue?
Mine has been reliable for over 2 years now. Defects do happen with any brand.
Defective, or to small designed (amperage wise) PSU?
If you have another suitable PSU, this would be my first thought.
My first Lii-500 only charges to about 3.95v.
Tom Top was absolutely no help, I left a 1 star review and ordered another one from a different vendor.
My second one works fine.
Most likely the power adapter. The Lii-500 charger unit is very likely still OK.
Try getting a 12v power adapter to test (eg. those from wifi routers, external hard drive, that have a power adapter labeled DC12v), but don’t use them to charge, just to test if your Lii-500 will still power up.
Reason I mentioned this is that I’ve encountered a Lii-500 from someone else who let me check his unit. His Lii-500 was not functioning. Tested a good power adapter on his Lii-500 and it worked, so it must be his power adapter that developed the problem. When I tested the voltage of the power adapter, I notice the voltage is fluctuating, something like 10v-16v, I’m not sure how to fix the power adapter but advised him to get a new power adapter and I think that worked…
Or you can measure whether there is any voltage output from the power adapter.
BTW, mine came without a power supply. I use my own self-built 5 amp unit. Works great.
Here it is with an afterthought with 4 charger ports on top. It’s a prototype. I’m going to make one with all the ports in the same box in the near future. I have all the parts ready along with a new 15 amp PS module. I just need to get off my butt and build it.
I’ve tested the power supply/adapter on 3 other chargers … no issues there.
And tried 3 other power supplies on the Liito …. dead Liito.