March 6, 2019, 7:57pm
Liitokala NCR18650B 3.7 v 3400 mah 18650 Lithium FOR 2.50$ from Aliexpress
Link aliexpress http://bit.ly/2XAjlL8
1pc - 2.50$
2pcs - $4.72
3pcs - $6.73
4pcs - $8.95
5PCS - $10.94
6Pcs - $12.78
Battery name: LiitoKala 186650
Battery type: NCR18650B
Battery specification: 18.5 * 67.5 (MM)/MM
Battery material: Lithium ion (li-ion ion Battery)
Battery voltage: 3.6 V (V)
The battery internal resistance: 40 m Ω
Nominal capacity: 3400mAh
Actual capacity: 3100-3400mAh
Guys, do not order at all.
Remember what they did:
So, while I was looking at a nice low cost source for 18650s, I came again at the sight of the Littokala store. What I found was digusting!
Then I noticed. The price of all 18650s have been cut by half, but many reviews are saying that their cells have leaked, have very low capacity, and have too low discharge rates. I would not buy any batteries from any of the Liitokala stores
6PCS of Samsung 30Qs:
LG HG2s:
Samsung 25Rs:
I have not looked at more cells, but even if they were free, thes…
March 6, 2019, 8:04pm
Ahh, this is a different store than you describe in your post
It’s the same thing with ALL Liitokala stores.
They all sell fake 18650s, and I would not take the risk of buying them at all!
I’m sorry, but this is something serious, and fake cells can be very dangerous, harm people, and cause general danger.
March 6, 2019, 8:11pm
My offer Store liitokala Official Store Open6 year(s)Top Brand
your link Store: liitokala Factory StoreOpen:5 year(s)
as you can see, there are various stores
It’s the same thing with ALL Liitokala stores.
They all sell fake 18650s, and I would not take the risk of buying them at all!
I’m sorry, but this is something serious, and fake cells can be very dangerous, harm people, and cause general danger.
Why would they be selling fake 30Qs then?
A real Samsung 30Q has 3 positive poles, not 4 positive poles.
This one is a fake Samsung 30Q. Why would they sell real NCR18650s if they are selling fake 30Qs?
And they are saying Liitokala 30Q, not Samsung 30Q, to prevent refunds.
Same thing with the NCR18650B: Liitokala NCR18650Bs rather than Panasonic NCR18650B.
(Petr J.)
March 6, 2019, 8:27pm
I’m sorry wydro, but it’s true. Liitokala has good quality 26 650 batteries but the batteries that sell as branded - 30Q, NCR B etc. are fake. They do not have to be bad, but they are not the original batteries for which Liitokala is released. It’s a scam for the buyer.
March 6, 2019, 9:12pm
Be careful too many ” BOOTLEG ” cells on market. Especially coming from China.