Can someone post a list of chargers that also discharge, ie, measure battery capacity? There are a lot of chargers in the reviewed list but I am only interested in a charger that can also measure battery capacity. Then maybe put a sticky on the list so it is next to the charger review list for others who have the same requirements. Thanks
don't you know any?
which list you talking? :)
There is a list of chargers that have been reviewed and posted on this site. But the titles of each charger review doesn’t tell if the charger can analyze battery capacity. I would have to open and read each review to find which ones can analyze a battery. I thought maybe someone who was very familar with the chargers could just post a list of the most common chargers that analyze battery capacity to save me having to read every review.
There is not that many to consider for LiIon:
Opus BT-C3100 is the current top analyzing charger.
LiitoKala is a significant runner up and their new model (500) looks interesting (Review in a few days)
Later this year a new analyzing super charger is expected from SkyRC, but it will be more expensive.
Some chargers do show how much they charge into the batteries, but is not really analyzing:
Xtar VC2 & VC4
Klarus CH4s
You can see a list of chargers with photos here:
LiitoKala Lii-260
LiitoKala Lii-300
LiitoKala Lii-500 (not yet tested)
Kingsolar (4 slots multi chemistry)
Foxnovo F-2 (2 slots)
Foxnovo F-4S (4 slots)
But with all of these chargers including the ones mentioned by HKJ the capacity measured is merely an educated guess. And it’s done at too low currents to be really interesting for flashlight users.
I doubt the Lii-500 will do a better job on measuring discharge capacity than its predecessors.
Maybe the long-announced SkyRC charger changes this - if it ever materializes.
“And it’s done at too low currents to be really interesting for flashlight users.”
True, but it does give an idea that someone has slipped an Ultrafire into a LG wrapper.
I really think that it’s the only practical way to do it - These things get plenty hot discharging at just one amp.
Can you imagine how HOT they would get discharging two cells at 5A?
Yes, looking forward to the SkyRC, but I don’t expect it to defy the laws of physics.
A 106b+, with the proper resistor array, can discharge at really high rates if you wanted. It’s a hobby charger though, so no built-in battery holders.
the LiitoKala Lii-500 can handle anything (not 4.35v)
and is now a low price leader at less then$16 for the charger only no power adapter
and around $20.50 with the adapter
Not sure how legit that could be?
i have been buying from Ali E. for over 5 years and i could probably write a book about buying direct from china
but this and MOST of my Ali E. orders work out
and this passes my sniff test
if i did not have 4 Lii-500 chargers already with 2 more on the way i would grab these as i have plenty of 12v 2amp power adapters lying around even though i paid $18.83 each with the adapter
but i think the cheapest now is ~$20.50 with a adapter
thank you
Purchasing Agent
Hmm, I have one on order from Gearbest, might have to cancel that one and order this one instead, still theres a risk of getting counterfeit item, however, if I order one, will simply take it apart and compare to what others have reported.
Is this still the best inexpensive charger to test battery capacity? Is there a great deal available? Is it better to wait until after New Years for a better deal