[ListBot] Sandbox for testing bot

:smiley: I’m glad you had good humor about it. I know how debugging can get frustrating. I intended to cause some confusion and a laugh, but not 2-days worth of it :confused: Sorry about that. Cheers :smiley: :beer:

It wasn’t 2 full days because I can only work on the code during the evenings and the weekends. I was also working on other parts like the alphabetical order, hiding old data, and coding the correct styling.

However, the issue from your comment kept pestering me throughout the day. Lmao. It would occasionally pop into my mind and I couldn’t figure out why the code would keep listing you down for 42. I also couldn’t scratch this itch until I get home.

I kept working on other parts of the code and returning to the quote issue. I started isolating other comments with nested quotes and it was fine. It wasn’t until I isolated your comment and test all these outputs that I saw your hidden text. Haha.

It was a good lesson. The program cannot think. It does exactly what you code it to do. I should have checked for hidden texts because raccoon city use the same trick. Well… you used the quote as a misdirection like in a magic trick.

@listbot add 7

And subscribe me to this thread before I forget again. :slight_smile:

I wonder whatever happened to huey18. Last seen 6 months 2 weeks ago.

This project looked really promising.