Little Project need some input

So we have some older MicroVu inpsection units at my work. I converted one over to LED a number of years ago. I think with a MCL ? soldered so all 4 dies were in paralell and then I just powered it direct drive from an old wall wart I had lying around. Crude and simple but it worked.

Now they want me to do the other unit as well and I was wondering what would be a better setup ? It needs to be floody for sure with out a lens.
The main reason is that the current bulb gets hot and someone got an owie when they leaned against it or something after it had been on all day

the link is just so everyone knows what I’am talking about.

The light is in the little pedastal out front shine through a lens onto a mirror in the back of the unit and then displays on the front glass.
There is a ton of room for the power supply and whatever circuitry needed inside the cabinet.

I was thinking a warm LED - what they are asking for, maybe a ramping capable driver, and then an appropriate power supply.

any input would be great.