Live stream for Iceland volcanic eruption

Luckily, nothing dangerous happened.

Some of my northern friends were a bit scared sadly. :stuck_out_tongue:

Now there is two blow holes, and the original has grown twice as high. The lava flow is toward the camera so its like sitting around a campfire watching the coals burn at night.

saw this on

Is that the night sky above the volcano, that’s a dramatic photo.

At 15:38, there is a pilgrimage of about 100 folks along the right front edge. if i lived nearby i would be there too.

Man that aurora picture is great. They finally had a clear night.

Man, stunning. Thanks for that link. Titanium drone for a birds eye view?

It is snowing currently when I looked at the webcam.

Something just doesn’t seem right about the idea of snow and volcanoes erupting at the same time, yet there is clearly no geological or meteorological conflict with the cold and hot activities co-existing.

I guess I have gotten too used to associating volcanoes with Hawaii.

OMG—it’s Friday Night at the Volcano. 23:30 and there is a line of flashlight all along the back trail. Everybody is out there—everybody Wang Chung tonight.

That must be some collection of lights. Wonder what they like in Iceland?