Look What Wifey Made Me (Book Port Plus)

Hello everyone. Thanks again for all of the help and support that you provided which allowed me to get the Book Port Plus. Today wifey made me a case for it via crochet. This works great for me because it makes everything I need available in one package. just drop it in to a pocket and go. As I type this, I have about three hours to go in my current book (according to the Book Port Plus)…The Testament by John Grisham… before I will start another book for fun.




You are not alone; I am finishing listening to The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government by Mike Lofgren. I am also relistening to James Joyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

‘If you can’t do something, do something else.’ :slight_smile:

The picture won’t load. Sounds nice though. The best bags and such are home made.

Wont load for me either. I think you have to be on FB. Sounds like the better half is looking after number one real good. :slight_smile:

Picture links are fixed.

Looks cute!

Nice bag, my wife is a knitter but I’ve never heard of a book port plus, off to check it out, lol


That’s just neat!!! A Book Port Snuggie!!! :+1: