Hello everyone. Thanks again for all of the help and support that you provided which allowed me to get the Book Port Plus. Today wifey made me a case for it via crochet. This works great for me because it makes everything I need available in one package. just drop it in to a pocket and go. As I type this, I have about three hours to go in my current book (according to the Book Port Plus)…The Testament by John Grisham… before I will start another book for fun.
You are not alone; I am finishing listening to The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government by Mike Lofgren. I am also relistening to James Joyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.
‘If you can’t do something, do something else.’
The picture won’t load. Sounds nice though. The best bags and such are home made.
Wont load for me either. I think you have to be on FB. Sounds like the better half is looking after number one real good.
Picture links are fixed.
Looks cute!
Nice bag, my wife is a knitter but I’ve never heard of a book port plus, off to check it out, lol
That’s just neat!!! A Book Port Snuggie!!! :+1: