Look who's popular

I've been using Photobucket since 2009.

Because I'm currently over my monthly bandwidth limit, hundreds of my old pics on BLF look like this...

...but without the mouseover. ;)

My old images will return on about the 15th of each month, because that is when I joined Photobucket.

The part that really irks me is Photobucket telling me, "Image Stats are not available at this time."

I don't know which images are eating up my bandwidth, and I'm not going to pay for an upgraded account.

I host my new images on a different website, but that's another story.

I've said it once and I'll say it again, "I hate Photobucket." :Sp

Yeah… flickr.

I noticed that yesterday. No biggie. As long as the images are still there, the review will be 100% useful again in the near future.

Yikes, that’s very annoying indeed. :~

Why do you say ImageShack is not safe/secure Kreisl?

Upgrade :money_mouth_face:

I broke down and paid for photobucket and imageshack, so I could keep my images as safe a possible. It's not worth the hassle of loosing them, although anything can happen and at least I don't have to worry about bandwidth any more. In the long run, it's worth it if you have a lot of images and I guess I do. I have never kept any images on my PC, not the ones I post, so if PB and IS loose them, they will be gone forever...

I switched to Flickr because I hated PhotoBucket. But then I ended up rolling my own and so far I’m happy with it. Bandwidth is dirt cheap. It’s not scarce. There’s no way these photo sites should ransom your photos over bandwidth. Surely there are better ways for them to monetize their businesses.

Abload.de is too slow to load pictures (for me anyway)!!

With the photobucket upgrade, can you get the stats for which sites are using which photos like they used to have? They used to show you some of these details even for free, but it appears to have gone?

I pay about 10USD/year for my share on a small group that keeps up my “folder for stuff” in the net.

No bandwidth limit and to date, there has been no limit on uploading either as long as it keeps within common sense.
I use also their IRC server.

There’s always room for some review or other pics if someone is in need.

I'm currently using abload.de and so far I love it. :love:

Are all of my new pics loading slowly, or is it just that darn mouseover?

It’s just something I’ve noticed when reading threads with images hosted by them. Imageshack are worse, some images don’t load at all.

Had that happen myself. What a pain.

Well, since abload.de offers free unlimited bandwidth, maybe other users don't shrink their images like I do?

Ah that could be it. It shouldn’t be a problem but I will check the image sizes next time.

Rating: Abload.de [Image hosting site]


I actually rather like Photobucket. It’s not my primary goto for photos as I host most on my colocated macmini, but for forums I use it frequently, and I do use it for uploading scaled pictures when traveling. I’ve never understood why people get upset when a company limits services that it offers for free.

Photobucket has been going downhill fast for most of 2013. Plus, there are tons of free image hosting websites, and Photobucket is pretty bad compared to the best out there:


Winner winner chicken dinner! 8)

Unfortunately PB is no better when you give them money. I've been paying them for around 7 years. No issues till this year when they rammed the new (and far worse) interface down everyone's throats. It is heavily dependent on Flash which is never good - and stats are no longer available at all. They won't be seeing any more money from me.

I never could get along with imageshack - it just seemed far too confusing to me. Colocation is far too expensive for most folks who don't have other uses for it. Must fiddle with Flickr which has also been messed up to make it "better".

I set up an abload.de account but haven't used it yet.