Polarized would be even better. Is there a Solar Force of the eye-ware world.
Me too…this would help me for all the crees I’ve looked straight at to see how bright they are!!
All kidding aside, I could use some help in this category too.
My sunglasses are prescription, so I get most (>90%) of that cost back from my (compulsory) health insurance. :bigsmile:
I also have several of the folding glasses from http://www.nannini.com
I originally wanted some glasses like Jamie’s from mythbusters.
Before prescription I used http://www.visiondirect.com.au/ as they were the cheapest for genuine Raybans.
You can pick up cheap replica Raybans in most asian cities and online.
Edit: see entries below.
This topic has come up before .
The concensus as I recall was that your eyesight is too valuable to take a chance on cheap sunglasses ...
^^^ This.
I agree with “your eyesight is too valuable to take chances”. I’m in a unique situation of sorts as I have these: ICLs implanted. So I have built in protection, per se. What I do need are sunglasses that help cut the glare as that is the only real challenge I face.
I also believe there’s good quality sunglasses out there that you’re not paying an extra $100 on for the brand name, just like flashlights. I’d appreciate any additional pointers. Thanks.
It’s actually more common than that. Good contact lenses are uv a/b protective too.
(the acuvue 2’s are 88% uva / 99% uvb, not sure about other brands)
Unless you want AR/polarized sunglasses, I think it’s mostly just polycarbonate on the market anyways.
I think Dillon Optics look really cool. But they’re the opposite of cheap.
I use Oakley POLARIZED HALF JACKET® XLJ FISHING SPECIFIC with Deep Blue Iridium polarized lenses that cost me $100.
Wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world
Holey moley cyborgs are among us! Just watched a bit but is this better than Lasik surgery?
Some say, that you actually should get some UV through to your eyes, to keep something going on in your body.
Can’t remember, how legit the study was though.
Anyway, I would rather use NO sunglasses than dark glasses without UV shield.
Either or. I spend quite a lot time outside without glasses also.
To answer your question, ICLs are better in certain ways for sure. What it came down to for me is that I was thinking lasik at first, however, I was/am a –10D and with my only average thickness corneas there was only about a 70% chance that the Dr would get me to 20/20 with lasik, and I didn’t like the options if he didn’t get me to 20/20. ICLs are less intrusive, totally reversable, and tend to have less side effects. I’m very happy with it.
Asval. Where are you getting oakley’s for $100?

I agree with “your eyesight is too valuable to take chances”. I’m in a unique situation of sorts as I have these: “ICLs”…
That is so cool. Thanks for the link.
Ive bought 3 sets of ESS Crossbow eyewear, they are really cheap at Ebay or at your local army surplus store, UV protection+ballistic protection+look good, tho they might be considered big, in that case you can search for ESS sunglasses on Ebay, they have awesome ballistic eyewear that look like your regular sunglasses
Looks like ESS is part of Oakley now, for those who care about brand :P!
Also theres ESS ICE line and ICE NARO for smaller heads.
Also, Revision Sawfly can be found for dirt cheap at Ebay too, be careful to select proper size, all info at their webpage.
Revision also have sunglasses, try Hellfly on Ebay.
Just sayin, given that lots of you are gun junkies ;)!
Before I had my prescription coated glasses I used a pair similar to these
Budget and quality. I would recommend these. Although they get scratched after a few months 20$ is a great price.
Hope this helps.
I don’t think feilox would mind, so I’m pasting my response to his PM if others are interested in more of my take on having ICLs put in my eyes: Let see first of all I was a –10.0 D in both eyes before the surgery. Now I’m corrected to 20/20 w/ a slight stigmatism which I had before, and the stigmatism is a little better now vs. before.
Taking the lens out isn’t “easy” per se, from what my doctor told me. The procedure for putting them in is somewhat less invasive than taking them out as the lens is rolled up in a special instrument which allows for a very small slit/cut in the eye. Taking them out, if I remember correctly is basically like what they do if they’re taking your natural lens out to replace it with a fake one to remove cataracts for example. It’s not easy, but is totally reversable, unlike lasik.
As to your lasik ineligible friend, lots of people that can’t do lasik (usually too much correction needed and/or thin corneas) can do the ICL. Research a lot on line, I did. I also spoke with 2 or 3 patients of my doctor that had them done. If your serious, look up a Dr. doing this procedure in your area and talk to them. I’m guessing most (like my Dr.) would do a free evaluation to see if they’ll work for you, etc. There’s glare/bright light issues with these in, but it’s not a big deal. You have glare w/ contacts and glasses. These glare issues are just different than those I had w/ contacts/glasses, not worse by any means. I’m very happy with it overall, and it’s been almost 2 years now since I got them.
I know this is old but anyone have experience w/ Edge Eyeware. I’ve heard good things, and prices seem fair, but I have no way of looking at them where I live.
FWIW…dvor.com is doing some pretty decent deals on edge eyeware, starting today. I ordered a few, based on reviews, etc. Never owned them or tried them on before so I’m crossing my fingers. I’ll let you all know how they are after use for a while.
Polarized and budget?
Adidas is my first choice for sports, Smith optics are also great.