Looking for a Budget Headlight with SFT40

I'm looking for a budget 1x18650 headlight with an SFT40 emitter.

I know of the Sofirn HS20, and I'm wondering if there are any others.

ThruNite Thrower headlamp: ThruNite Thrower Headlamp Long Beam Search light

Looks to be $50 USD on Amazon.com (and there’s a –20% coupon so down to $40)

There’s also one on the BST thread on reddit for $30 shipped: Reddit - Dive into anything


Thanks for that!

I decided to go with the Sofirn HS20 on AliExpress.

(It's on sale for Chinese New Year.)

Looks like there aren't many choices out there.


Luckily, the Sofirn HS20 looks good to me.

Very nice, looks very solid !

I have the HS20 —- I like it, kind of heavy— with both LEDs on Turbo it puts out some light with good throw —- I’m not really a big fan of the headband with the center strap — It does stay securely on your head though

Why wouldn’t you order from Sofirn.com they have a sale going on to

It was cheaper to order from Sofirn on AliExpress.

Either way, it's still coming from China.

I always check both and only once was the sofirn website cheaper for me but it was like $40 cheaper. The website will have like 10-20% in discounts added on by the time you get to checkout too. But AliExpress gives you the benefit of some dispute resolution and there’s something to be said for that