Looking for a "girlie" light

I am looking for a small EDC, propably for a key chain, either using AAA/10440 or CR123/RCR123A. Trick is that I would like to find it in purple, red, pink, etc… any ideas?

Olight i3.
Or if you can find the iTP A3, it has better output and might be a little cheaper.
Small, colorful, good UI, durable, good output (low is low enough, high is good), the perfect EDC for me and for my girlfriend.

Fenix E01 is cheap (about $12), incredibly durable, comes in gold/purple/blue/olive green/black, has the great Fenix warranty, and runs damn near forever on a singe AAA.

My experience has been that simpler = better for women. They typically don’t care about brightness or UI, or any of that other fancy stuff. They just want it to work when they need it, and they want it to look good.

Thrunite Ti is small, available as red, and has easiest possible twisty UI. Kind of perfect for girls. :)

my GF carries fenix e01 and itp a3

Give her something shiny. At least the girls I know prefer shiny to colorful.

This has been “my” girls prefered edc: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/141

Thanks for the info guys, I see that many of us have a significant which enjoys an EDC, shall I open a thread “what is your significant other’s EDC” ? :stuck_out_tongue:

thrunite or a preon

That’s my EDC too.
Not because it’s shiny, but rather because it takes the hard pocket life quite well. And so does the pocket.
A bit slippery between the fingers, but it’s either that or torn pockets.

Obviously never had a daughter go through the ‘princess’ stage. For a while I didn’t think she even knew any color but PINK!


I've had it on my keychain for about 2 years now and it still works after all the abuse.

my wife has 2 for work (air hostess) I got her an E01 for the lower output on night flights and an Eagletac PN20a as a brighter emergency light. When I showed her how ‘easy’ the 2 modes on the ET were I could tell she was never going to use it! A Torch is either on or off!

I did get a couple of E05’s for friends and they love them (too bright for the wife though), not sure about colours though

Love the Tank E09 for the wife… thanks for the link UPz

You’re welcome! :wink:

If you want a cheap gift, look here.

My gf told me to my face that she’s clumsy and won’t look after it, so there’s not much point in getting her anything ’spensive.

She’s still happy with this one, after almost 3 months… see the date of that post I linked.


Trustfire f35,I know it's 18650 format but it has bling!Just throwin that out there,I almost got one for the wife.