Looking for a light with a mix of flood and throw,....output is most important

And with that, another vote for the Shocker

turn the night on day and it must good throw :nerd_face: :money_mouth_face:

very big light

you need this:


with 15 dedome xpe2 led maybe xpg2 r5

I really like the J18 over the Skyray King or Kingx7. J18 is brighter, and not very much more expensive at about $45-55, with reasonable 3x Trustfire 26650s it stays on for longer, and it doesn’t get hot enough to burn your hands (unless its a very hot climate). But if cost is no issue and you don’t care about carrying something even bigger, the Shocker is probably a good choice! The 15x or 18x lights I’m sure will output a slightly larger amount of light but wont throw as well.

replace with 15-18 dedome xre,xpe2 that good drive with good trow i think

BTU shocker, while probably my favorite light, is going to be wasted in a 100 foot environment much like the tk75. Both are a ton of overkill in the throw department.

The 15xml lights, at least the ones I’ve seen, are not worth the money. And you would spend $100+ upgrading the emitters to xpg2.

You could, but for what he’s talking about, a stock 12x or 15x with no mods will throw more than he asked for, if you don’t mind a big light its a good choice. I just think J18 is most efficient: about half that price, and still more than enough throw and output to wow. I just took mine out last night again with fully charged 3x 26650 KingKongs, first time in a while, and did exactly what he is describing for fun :slight_smile: There was a lot of moonlight out, so using it as a “tree candle” to light them up was fun :wink: After using only 1200-1600 lumen lights and SRK the past few weeks, it was again impressive.

I have both J18 and a 15x, and while 15x is brighter, its not really a “wow” difference between J18 and 15x, probably because the my 15x has a wider distribution of light, and a ringy beam.

What you are talking about would be an interesting light but I’m pretty sure just the mod would more than double the cost of buying the light AND the batteries together!

I guess I am looking for a flood light with a little throw,…150’ max distance with a very wide usable spill. The Shocker is a front runner but I am worried about it having to narrow a beam?

What about one of the Sky Ray King type lights with some modding? Say I purchased a Sky Ray Type light and sent it to one of our modders along with a $100 bill,…could they beat the Shocker?

Here’s a mix of stock/modded lights. They show width of flood pretty well.

youre first post say “,……I want to turn the night to day!!! Big smile ”with flood & trow!

for 179§ you have these:


TN32? That’s a pure thrower and one heck of a beautiful light.

Pretty sure you would be temporarily blind if you looked at its hotspot within 35 yards. :stuck_out_tongue:

Blaze, a King can throw a nice, fat wall of light with 2,100+ lumens a good ways, despite it not being a thrower. Your trees would be on proverbial fire. And that goes for any 3xXM-L or 4xXM-L Kung, too. They sound perfect for you, as does the J18. I’d recommend both, or Blackshadow Terminator.

Ok now I can conclude your conditions so that other members can recommend you based on these:

  1. Under $150
  2. Prefer more flood than throw (I can imagine a SRK, SolarStorm Warrior, Supfire M6 or DRY here)
  3. No modding needed (or someone can help him on that)

Maybe a Solarstorm SP03?

That’s as throwy as a TK75. Would be overkill.

1.) Sky Ray King or Kung, really like the “wall of light” but worry about getting a good one. Price is right also! I am not sure I will be happy with this light in stock form?
2.) Supfire M6, dont know alot about this light, based on design similar output to a King/Kung…a better version of the King or Kung?? Price??
3.) Trustfire TRJ12-J18, I like the shorter fatter lights better but not a deal breaker, pretty sure this one will have to be modded to compete,…is this light even available??
4.) BTU Shocker, plenty of output but on the expensive side,…worried it will not flood well enough?? (Seems like a light I should own regardless :bigsmile: )
5.) Terminator, neat looking light,…same price as the Shocker with less output??

Seems light most of the “big power” lights are designed to throw?

I want to stand in the forest, in total darkness, 10 meters from the base of a 40 meter tall Oak tree point the light center mass of the tree and when I hit the button the entire tree light up. I also imagine trumpets sounding, birds singing, and all the forest creatures gathering at my feet to witness the God of Sun,…maybe :bigsmile:

SRK is a nice little light, but as you mentioned the consistency in quality is a bit of a toss up.

The M6 is a better quality SRK, driven harder stock, more consistency in regards to quality as well. It will run you about $49 from wallbuys.

J12/J18 will beat an SRK stock, probably an m6 as well. It can be easily modded to increase output quite substantially. Around $45.

The BTU Shocker is a heck of a light. Best value super thrower in my book.

The terminator never interested me, can’t give you any info on this one since I never researched/don’t have one.

I wonder why nobody interested in DRY. I have one before it is very solid and well built. I am sure it has better modes than SRK and driven much harder in Turbo mode (>3A to each LED) and comes with the option of neutral white for better tint. I don’t have a SRK but from what I read here there are some inconsistencies among the SRK, while the DRY is pretty consistent, because you can only buy it from CNQ/FFL. It’s also very modding-friendly, that you may also just buy it as a host and build your own DRY.

The downside of the DRY is low PWM frequency in lower modes, but this was seen in the older DRY driver, not sure if they have improved this in the newer 32mm DRY driver. 120sec step down from Turbo mode to High mode in order to avoid overheating, and this can be viewed as good or bad thing depends on people, while the LEDs are still driven with around 2.2A after stepping down into High. The switch is located at tail but at least it is a mechanical switch.


They may have changed some things up unless their specs are underestimated.

Looks like SRK has several advantages over the DRY that I can see on first look. Switch, price, battery configuration, mode configuration, aesthetics.

I would choose the M6 over either though.

I am narrowing down my list,…I am dropping the Shocker and the Terminator,…I think they are both geared more toward throw and not what I am looking for. I still plan on owning a Shocker in the near future.

This leaves two choices;

The short fat ones- King ,Kung, Warrior, M6, DRY

Long skinny ones-TRJ12, TRJ18

I actually like the shape/size but my main concern is OUTPUT so what do you think??