Looking for a new headlamp.

My current headlamp has failed and I am looking to replace it. It performed well for a few years. I am looking for one headlamp to use in a couple of different situation.

  1. Storm Electrical Power Work
  2. Camping
  3. Working on vehicles
  4. Night walks with dog
  5. Off roading

Would like to have flood and spot. Don’t need outrageous, unsustainable lumens. Longer runtimes and the option of low lumens preferred.x
Currently looking at the FENIX HM65R-T and FENIX HP25R V2.0. Any input is greatly appreciated.

Since You’re looking for spot+flood option I can recommend quite cheap, but still good quality headlamp - Wurkkos HD15. Has two LED - one with focused beam and one with diffused beam. Powered by 1x18650, has built-in charger. Uses high CRI LEDs and You can choose between 4000K and 5000K tint. One disadvantage I find is that it’s quite heavy for a 18650 headlamp.

Sofirn HS20 w/sft40 because unsustainable lumens is a good option to have and cuz it’s essentially a Fenix hm65r but brighter with better emitters for 1/4 the price

1 Thank

Thank you both, I will check them out.

Found deal on Wurkkos HD15 on Aliexpress:
Once I bought a flashlight from this store, whole deal went fine.

Emisar D2:


You could choose a 519a with flood optic
plus a W1 w spot optic

The D2 is small, lightweight, has regulated output, uses Anduril UI. Best suited for close range and low outputs…

here are a couple of reviews:


good luck w your search

There are tons of options. Just depends on how much you want to spend.

For $100+, the Fenix HM70R is fantastic. Fully regulated output, spot/flood, very bright a d great sustained brightness. If you like right angle, the HM71R is also very good.

For around $70, the Cyansky HS6R is my go-to headlamp these days. Same as the Fenix HM70R inost respects, but with a 18650 battery instead of 21700.

BioLite 800 Pro is alsp a nice one for around $100.

For $40 the Sofirn HS20 is a good one (haven’t tested though).